Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Listen to your body.

Surely sounds like something my body would tell me! Over the years my body often talked to me, most of the times it was to warn me about something. Younger I tend to ignored it more, but as I grew older (and wider!) I realised that I needed to pay more attention to what it was saying. Of course, at times, I couldn't care less and at other times I just had to stop and carefully listen! Just last week my doctor confirmed what my body had quietly been trying to tell me for quite some time... I guess it's time to listen!

Don't get me wrong, I'm in touch with it (more often than you might think, if you know what I mean!) ;-D, and I also realised that as I'm getting older I also pay more attention to what it's saying. It's one thing to hear what it's saying, but it's a whole different thing when it comes to actually listen to it. I'm trying to be reasonable and do that: listen. Not always easy, especially when the brain or the heart kicks in, but I have to let go of the emotions, stand still and listen! In the long run it pays off to listen to it!

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