Sunday, July 02, 2006

A Good Read

I thought of posting this in the "What entertains me" section, but since it will bring me to another post I'm working on, I'd figure here would be a better place for it...

At Christmas I received the 6th book of Diana Gabaldon's series “Outlander”: “A Breath of Snow and Ashes” – which is by far the biggest one (980 pages).

I’ve read them all starting with “Outlander”, “Dragonfly in Amber”, “Voyager”, “Drums of Autumn”, and “The Fiery Cross”. I simply love the characters and Gabaldon’s description of them is so well written that you can’t help to visualise them and even to smell them. Her descriptions are very vivid. You really can see the people and how scruffy they were, how thought life must have been for them.

When I started reading them, a few years back, I simply got hooked. It’s set in Scotland at the beginning and then they travelled to France and ended up in the American colonies. Once you’re “ok” with the idea of time travel through stone circle (like Stonehenge), a doorway leading to the past for a select few, the story is captivating. So many things happening from the Highlands uprising, the famine in Scotland, the tragic battle of Culloden, their dealings with the King of France and his court, their travel to the colonies… so many challenges, but through it all Claire & Jamie’s love endure. You can't help to get attached to each individal. They become real. That to me, is the proof of a good book!

Anyway, if you want a good read with some sex and lots of challenges, this is the series for you!
It’s a good thing that we don’t have scratch & sniff books, these books would be quite smelly, but Jamie is so yummy even with all his musky, horse, dust smells. If you are a prude, those books may not be for you, because at times, they can be quite explicit, but I really think they are worth the read!

You won't regret it - trust me!


Meow (aka Connie) said...

I've read a couple of her books, and thought she was wonderful. Must get a hold of that series ... sounds brilliant. Have you read the Jean Auel Clan of the Cave Bear series ... I love this one, too.
Take care, Meow

Jason Stockl said...

"Books"?... What's that, again?

I've been so busy reading & writing blogs, I don't have time for books!


stinkypaw said...

meow: Official welcome to my blog Meow (your first "actual" comment!)! I did read "Clan of the Cave..." series and really liked it. This one is a little less "primitive".
If you ever read it, let me know how you liked it.

jason67: That's the thing with blogging, it does take away time, but it's so much fun, right? But there's always time for a good book, I make sure of that!

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Oooh, haven't I commented before ??? I didn't realise ... apologies. I come over often ... maybe I'm just one of those "lurkers".
Hope your day is great.
Take care, Meow