When he was hospitalised because of crystals, we were told that he was aggressive. When we went to pick him up the technician asked Hubby to go and get him out himself, that’s how aggressive he was, but with us, he’s always been a big fat wuss.
Cathy moved in and being the old dog that she is, she totally ignored him. She walked around, did her things, and really didn’t seem to care about the cat. As for Tobi, when Cathy came in our house, he was a bit
We tried not to neglect him and have been giving him the same amount of attention as we used to. He comes and watches TV with us, on the couch like he always did; Hubby has his sparring session with him while on ice (for his knees, after cycling); we talk and caress him just like before, and he still sleeps with us at night. The only thing that noticeably changed is at meal times. Before pooch, at dinnertime, he would always roam around the dinner table and tried to get food from one of us. We very rarely did give him anything, and most time he wouldn’t eat it or keep it down. He would do the cat thing, i.e. sniff it and walk away. Since pooch that’s one routine that really changed. She was used to get table scraps from my mom, so whenever we sit down to eat she comes around and begs, dances, barks, etc. She does it all. When she barks Tobi runs away. I must say that we do give her bits.
A week ago, while Hubby’s uncle was here for dinner, we heard the cat hiss and the dog bark/yelp. We didn’t see what happened.

Last night, while we were having dinner, Cathy was doing her rounds and Tobi was sitting by the fridge in the kitchen. I saw her simply walking by him and again he hit her, hard. She almost tipped over! Cathy is about 7 lbs where as Tobi is about 14+ lbs and he’s been “trained” by Hubby to hit hard, with all the “sparring” they do. The dog yelped and went to her bed. I was furious! WTF? Let’s just say that I was pissed off at the cat for hitting her for no apparent reason.
Hubby thinks it’s food related. Tobi is a glutton. He will eat all his food at once, where as Cathy eats a bit here and there. Because he is so greedy when it comes to food, we only give his one portion of food/day. He “manages” it. He’s been a social eater, a little less since the pooch’s arrival, since she also goes into his bowl at times. They both do, and they both get reprimanded when we see them.
This morning, we are both in the office, Tobi is by our bedroom door, and Cathy is walking by when he attacked her. She yelped and came to see me all shabby-looking. The cat just sat there. But as soon as I got up he ran away. He’s not stupid!
Could Tobi be starting to react to Cathy after over 3 months of being here with us? Could he hurt her? He’s fully declawed (I’m thankful for that, wouldn’t want to see what he would do to her with claws!), but I’m still afraid that he could really hurt her. If she would be “younger” I wouldn’t worry about it, she could defend herself. Also, it’s making me wonder what the hell goes on during the time we are not home? I haven’t noticed any major change in Cathy’s behaviour, but I don’t want to see that either.
I love my cat… well… not at this exact moment, but still… I want them both to be happy and co-exist. They don’t have to love each other, but at least tolerate one another.
I never thought I would say that, but I feel very disappointed in my cat. What I felt or thought to have been a pleasant transition when we took Cathy in, is turning sour on me before my very eyes. Do any of you “opinionated lurkers” have any suggestion to mend this situation before it gets to be a real problem?
Photo: Cat & Dog Fight
hmmmmm, difficult one, that. I had two cats once upon a time, and to begin with (when the first one was about 4 and the second one was just a kitten) they got on fine, with the big one looking after the kitten, but as the kitten grew up, the started to fight, and after a while just avoided each other, or they got a hiss or a whack from the other one. we did shout at the cat that did the attacking, but as they were quite evenly matched, we let them sort it out themselves (neither of them were declawed, and neither of them got hurt, so it mustve looked worse than it was). So either ur cat will settle down after having his tantrum, or you could use the secret weapon; every time he swipes at pooch, squirt him a bit with a water pistol. Hopefully he should learn.
Toby might be feeling like he is not getting enough attention. Try a little extra for a while. Also, don't give too much attention to the "scraps". When my cats act up, unless it gets too intense, I do not intervene. They will work it out themselves. My cats ignore the dog, unless he annoys them. Perhaps Cathy did something to Toby that you don't know about.
Cousin. Also, they tend to get a little friskier this time of year.
P.S.: Don't assume Cathy is the innocent little angel that she looks like!! Hee Hee.
I agree with Cousin ... Cathy might have done something to Tobi !! So long as Tobi is declawed, she shouldn't do any damage to Cathy ... best let them sort it out. I imagine, if it gets too much for Cathy, she will fight back !!
However, Elf's suggestion of a water pistol or squirter bottle may work.
Good luck.
Take care, Meow
I agree that it will most likely work itself out, just give it time.
Listen to Cousin, she has experience in these matters...
Jason67 (that can't leave a comment in my own name because you're not switched over to beta yet...)
Did I mention how annoying this beta crap is...
elf: We used to use a spritz bottle on him and we still do when he licks in bed with us. We just show him the bottle and and runs off! Thanks for the idea!
cousin: I also think it might be seasonal, he's acting a little crazy the last few days (like chasing ghosts, etc.). Looking at Tobi he really looks pissed off at Cathy... It's almost funny! And she seems completely oblivious to it all. Let's hope it's just a "phase"...
meow: Thanks, that cousin knows her crap about cats & dog! I'm sure eventually Cathy might defend herself. I'll let them figure it out and if it gets too loud, I'll squirt them!
jason67: Sucking up to cousin, again, aren't you?! ;-P
Whenever I mentioned Beta to Hubby, his answer is "What do you expect, it's beta, that means they're working on it!" Aren't you glad he's on our team?!
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