While running some errands, with Hubby, in a local strip mall we noticed two police cars and a bunch of people surrounding a mini-van. As we parked we realised that a mother had left her two kids inside the van, one of which was strapped in his “not going anywhere” seat. We couldn’t see the other one. Both were locked in.

I don’t have kids and most likely never will either (unless I get pregnant, give birth, etc. within the next 2 weeks!), but I find it strange that a parent would leave his/her kid (s) in his/her vehicle. I don’t even leave my pet in! I really don’t get that. If you didn’t want to be bothered during your “quick errands”, why did you bring your child?
How many horror stories do we have to hear about before we start being responsible?
Every summer, there’s a dumbass somewhere that leaves his/her kid in the car. There’s also those asswipes who forgotthat their kid was with them in their car (back seat)!
I remember one of my uncles left his car running while picking up dinner – he ran in for a few minutes – and my cousin sat in the driver’s seat, pretended to drive and put the car in gear. The car started heading for the river but hit a tree before plunging in. He was lucky!
What about those twats who leave their car running while they quickly go in (garage, convenience store, etc.) to pay, and their car gets stolen with their kid in the back. What a bad criminal for stealing a car with a child in it! What about the moronic parent who left it their? We always blame the bad guy and feel sorry for the parent, but he/she is just as responsible (or should I say irresponsible) as the “bad” guy. We are such a bleeding heart society it sickens me!
What needs to happen for parents to realise that a child isn’t something you leave in a car? Are we that stupid? I think so, and then some!
As we walked back to our car, one of the cops was “coaching” the kid (who was still locked in) on how to unlock the door. I told Hubby that at least, they knew where the kids were and they wouldn’t run off.
A car pulled up next to us as we got in our car; a mother with two kids in the back seats. All windows were down. She locked the doors, left the kids, who were between 6 and 10 years old, and went to the bank!
Can you say irresponsible parent or is that just unconscious? The multitudes of options an ill intended person would have with that car and those kids are endless… and yet…
Parenting should be monitored and we should be tested to see how level of aptitude. It's too easy to have kids and not take proper care of them. It's sad.
That mother with her kids locked in her van should have been charged with negligence and her kids taken away for a few days… or maybe she’d enjoy the “time off”…
Sickening I tell you!
Photo: Baby on board
A few years ago, a lady went to pay for gas in the convenience store, and her car was stolen with a kid in the backseat. They had helicopters out looking for the car and everything. A few hours later, they found the car and the kid, and everything was ok. I can't imagine how scary that would be as a parent. That said, when I was in elementary school, my mom used to leave me in the car when she went in to pay for gas. I imagine she would never do that now!
When we lived in Ste. Dorothee, we went to the Perrette (remember those) to get some milk. A kid left in a running car put the car in gear and smashed through the front window. Recently our neighbour at the cottage had a tractor at his house for some work. He put the 2 year old on it and let him "play". Can you beleive these things???
My husband works for the fire department and on more than one occassion he's had to break in windows of cars parked in the owners driveway, engine on, doors locked, baby inside.
Twat, is a nice way to describe these sorry excuses for humanity.
I have left my kids in the driveway to run back in the house for something but that's about it (NEVER in with the engine running, always with my keys in hand). I don't even go to gas stations where I can't pay at the pump. It's nerve racking.
I'm so glad to see you're alive! For the second time in as many months, tragedy in Quebec hit the news. What's up with that!
When I was really little (I don't even remember this myself, I've been told about it) my dad let me play in the motorboat he used to own while it was "parked" in our garage.
Well, as I was playing, I turned on the ignition and ruined the propeller in the back of the boat.
My mon said my dad deserved it for letting me play in a parked vehicle...
My (ex)sister-in-law left her daughter and my two daughters in her car while she ran into the post office (which had no windows from which to look out). She left the car running, the two toddlers in their infant seats... which they could easily escape, and my oldest (about 5 or 6) in the front seat. Her daughter climbed into the driver's seat and put the car in reverse. Thank God my oldest was able to grab the gear and put it back into park. I was beyond furious.
There sure are some irresponsible parents out there. We have stories of kids being left in their cars whilst he parents go into a club to play the slot machines ... how wrong is that !!
Have a great week.
Take care, Meow
-r-: It must have been scary for the parent, but at the same time quite irresponsible! Times have changed, that's for sure!
cousin: Unbelievable!! Makes you wonder how come there's not more people getting hurt than that...
db: I'm sure he must see a LOT of those things... Pretty sad state of affairs isn't it?
pg: If I were you I wouldn't even chance that. You just need one sicko... It is very scary.
The worst part about this piece of highway crumbling, I think, is the fact that it's the second time it happens in six years! After all, 5.5 deads (one of the victims was pregnant) isn't so bad, it could have been much worst if it would have happened during rush hour on a week day. That's about 30 min. from here.
jason67: Must agree with your mom!
dcmm: That could have been ugly! My mom told me a similar story. In the days they had to go to the post office to get their mail, and the women would leave the baby carriages outside the post-office while they went in to get their mail. Once, a parent left his child in the car, kid put it on drive and rammed a baby in her carriage against the wall. Luckyly nobody got hurt, but a bunch of mothers changes "their habits" after that!
meow: That's even worst in a way - that's beyond irresponsible, that's just plain stupid and their kids should be taken away!!!
I won't leave N in the car by himself, but W will. W sees nothing wrong in running into a business for "just a minute" and leaving a child by himself. Just another of our many disagreements . . . . .
I once went into a grocery store and walked past a mini-van parked in the handicapped zone.
The actual "handicapped" person was a child strapped in a wheelchair in the back. With the windows rolled up, in the summer.
I went and got the manager, who called the police. Mom was inside shopping with her "abled" kids.
Can you imagine? Using the front space handicapped spot for your shopping convenience, but leaving your disabled kid in the car because he's "too inconvenient".
That shit drives me crazy.
Thanks for the shout!
trueself: Welcome back! ;-)
W is taking some risks with your son's life, in my opinion. It's your right (read duty) as a mother to protect him... Too bad it has to be an issue.
atm: That is just plain sick! I would have done the same - that's soo wrong in so many ways! You're very welcome about the shout!
I can share with you a couple of stories here where one mother left her child in the car and went somewhere only to find the child died - then another father left his baby in the car with the keys and engine running and someone stole the car - fortunately the car and baby recovered but this happens in Hawaii as well. =(
kala: Those type of things happened everywhere, that's the sad thing!
But for some it's not an issue to leave their kids in their car while they have to run in somewhere. A friend told me about how it happened to him to park his car, walk around to the other side of the car to let the kids out, to realise that he had locked them in... It happens.
kala: Those type of things happened everywhere, that's the sad thing!
But for some it's not an issue to leave their kids in their car while they have to run in somewhere. A friend told me about how it happened to him to park his car, walk around to the other side of the car to let the kids out, to realise that he had locked them in... It happens.
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