- Vous êtes un héros. Demain, tout le monde pourra lire à la une des journaux : « Un courageux New-yorkais a sauvé la vie d'une enfant. »
L'homme répond: - Mais ... je ne suis pas de New York !
- Eh bien, on lira : "Un courageux Américain sauve une petite fille..."
- Mais... je ne suis pas Américain !
- Et qu'est ce que vous êtes alors ?
- Je suis Pakistanais.
Et le lendemain, les journaux titrent: "Un extrémiste islamiste massacre un chien américain sous les yeux horrifiés d'une petite fille."

Not much to add here...
And finally, check this out: Magic Woman (Adult Content!)
...now, that's what you call magic!!!
Have a great long weekend, fellow Canadians!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Ah... the scary thing about that joke is that it's probably based on fact.
Oh, and you could have at least warned us about the magic woman. Eeeek!
The only times I've ever wished I knew French have come when reading your blog.
I get this much of it: it happens in Central Park in New York and involves a pitbull attack. A police offier arrives and a conversation ensues. Something about being American and something about being Pakistani. And the punchline has to do with an extremist islam massacre of an american.
Am I close? Am I? Huh? Huh? Huh?
NIF (just another dumb American)
I'm proud of myself. I didn't even need to use the translator today. Woo hoo.
I can't see the lady! Weird, I can hear it but can't see it. I'll try again from my home computer.
We have a long weekend too. Monday is Columbus day. YEA!
Enjoy your time off.
i LOVE that tag! LOL!
have a great thanksgiving my fellow canuck :)
dcmm: Most likely based on fact, I'm sure! Sorry about that! I added a "warning"!
NIF: There's an incentive to learn! ;-) You were very close - you're good! Not bad for an American! ;-P
You're right about the pittbull attack, the man killed the dog in order to save the little girl. A cop tells the man who saved the little girl that tomorrow in the papers he'll be a New-Yorker hero
who saved a kid's life. To which the other guy said "but I'm not from NY". Ok then, it will say a courageous Americain... "But I'm not American" What are you? "Pakistani". The next day the papers' titles were "An islamic extremist kills an American dog in front of a horrified little girl"
pg: Congrats on doing it all by yourself! She doesn't come on immediately, the music starts before we actually see her.
Enoy the loooong weekend - they're always welcome!
mollymcm: Ditto to you crazy Canuck!
Im soooo glad David Copperfield does not do that in his acts but I have to say, no one can accuse her of hiding anything under her sleeves. I wonder how she did that magic trick.
kala: We have a friend who's a magician, I'll ask him what he thought of it. I must say I thought she was pretty "courageous" to do a trick like that.
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