A co-worker (a blonde) asked her what she was doing? The woman told her that she was pretending to be a light bulb so that the Boss would think she was "CRAZY" and give her a few days off.
A few minutes later the Boss came into the office and asked "What the hell are you doing ?"
The woman told him she was a light bulb growing dimmer by the minute.
He said "You are clearly stressed out girl, you go home this minute and recuperate for a couple of days."
The woman jumped down and walked out of the office with a smile on her face.
When the co-worker (the blonde) started to head out the door as well, the Boss said to the blonde, "And where the hell do you think you're going?"
( You're gonna love this..... )
She said, "I'm going home too, I can't work in the dark!"
La nouvelle institutrice a envie d'inculquer des notions de psychologie à ses élèves. Elle s'adresse à la classe en ces termes :
- Que celui qui a l'impression d'être stupide par moment se lève!
Après une bonne dizaine de secondes, Lionel (encore lui!!) se lève... de mauvaise grâce. L'institutrice étonnée lui demande :
- Alors comme ça Lionel, tu penses que de temps en temps tu peux être stupide ?
- Non m'dame, mais ça me faisait de la peine de vous voir toute seule debout.
The latest e-coli victim... / La dernière victime d'e-coli...

Have a great weekend and don't forget to change your clocks on Sunday!
* fall back one hour *
* fall back one hour *
Pauvre Popeye!
Thanks for the laugh. Have a great weekend!
*giggle* ... thanks, I needed that.
HOpe you had a great weekend, and will be in for a fabulous week.
Take care, Meow
Love the joke. lol Thank you.
hawai'i does not partake in DST =)
As for Popeye - sad to see him in a coffin =(
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