I have this habit, when New Year comes around, to do a review of the past year to help me see what I did, accomplished, and dropped, etc.
I felt that 2006 hadn’t really been a good year as such… too many things happened and not really good things. Sure there were some pleasant ones, but I think the bad ones took over the not so bad…
Culture wise it wasn’t bad. We saw some good shows like Mr. Cosby stand-up routine, Charles Aznavour’s Farewell Tour, some good plays and movies (have a look at “What entertained me” to see what did). We had a good week away hiking in North Conway, NH.
Weather wise it was a yucky year, at least here in Montreal. We basically had no winter, except for one BIG snowstorm, in which we got caught in driving to Charlevoix – “the drive from Hell” – then it rained A LOT when spring came, our summer was stupid hot and our fall was the longest ever. This winter isn’t looking too hot either, no snow basically – which is great for driving, but it sucks when it comes to winter sports!
Health wise it was shitty as well… I stopped taking anti-depressant in March because I was getting some physical symptoms… I’m not really sure if this was good or bad. Yippee, I’m off the meds! Yikes, I have these unstoppable shakes! And let’s not talk about the mood effects.

In July I was diagnosed with sleep-apnea and now have to sleep with a mask. It’s been over six months and I still have issues sleeping with it! Fun! Fun! This is supposed to « help » me sleep – yeah right! Then came my surgery. Sure I’m happy that since I was operated I have been pain free, just that was worth the operation! BUT then, since a week post-op I’ve been living with full-blown menopause! OMG, the hot flashes! They are more like power surge! Unreal! The last two months I’ve been sleeping like crap, not because of apnea, but because of hot flashes. I wake up in sweat, literally dripping… Since I can’t take anything, at the moment until my endometriosis is completely resolved, and since the natural products don’t seem to work, let’s just say that it sucks! I need sleep! Good sleep! Not that one-hour, wake up in a puddle of my own sweat, type of sleep! I’m craving that drug induced sleep, that’s what I want! Finally, to top it all off the week I turned the big 4-0 my pooch died!
Looking back on things, it feels like it was just one thing after the other… and to add to the equation, my MIL was diagnosed with cancer and its progressing fast. 2006 wasn’t a good year and despite me having good times and all, like when we took in the pooch, or my birthday party, I part of me is so happy that 2006 is over. I know that some people had it way worst than I did, but at times, like now, it feels good to cry a little…
One can only hope that 2007 will be better.
I can't imagine having it worse than that, but if it is any consolation - I love to read your blog and it never fails to make me smile.
Yes EVEN this post. 'Cause y'know menopause should be a four letter word. Do you know what my MIL [my best friend] gave me for Christmas for my own personal bout with sweats? A Chinese rice fan - so beautiful - but funNY! And it works.
So my hugs to you - but girlie don't stick, 'cause I am sweating my behind off too! heehee....
Keep up the great work and stay in touch.
[at least you didn't FLAG your own blog like Stupid Skippy, 'kay? ;D
well halleluah to the end of 2006 and bring on the good fortune of 2007!!
here's to hoping your planets align in a more productive and karmic center and you will be bestowed with wealth, health and riches.
(i have no idea what i'm talking about but it sounds nice)
skippymom: Thanks, I'm happy to read that! I've been fanning myself daily as well!
Thanks for the encouragement, it means a lot!
princess slea: Let's hope so! You could totally be a fortune teller, you read like you know what you're talking about! ;-)
i was a gypsy for halloween about 10 years ago and I carried around some tarot cards and gave people "readings" at the bar. i totally bullshitted my way through it but got actually offered a JOB doing it one night a month at a local bar.
I declined.
Well, I've been telling myself (in an effort to make it true) that 2007 is gonna be MY year, but I'm more than happy to share it with you. Sounds like you're overdue for a good one. I'll think all kinds of good thoughts for us both!
I hope you have a wonderful 2007!
princess slea: That is too funny!
lizgwiz: Please do! and I'll do the same from my side! Thanks!
3C: Thank you and I wish you the same!
Wishing the best for you in 2007!
I have a post-menopausal friend who swears by a "chillow" to get through the night. Keeps her pillows really cool.
I'm one of those people who "sleep hot"---I kick off the covers because I end up sweating and burning up in the middle of the night. I've seriously contemplated getting one.
atm: Chillow? I'll have to look that up. I'm also naturally a hot sleeper, and unlike Hubby often end up totally uncovered, but now it's crazy hot, I wake up in a puddle! I'll Google it dor sure - thanks for the info!
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