Thursday, March 29, 2007

Le printemps est arrivé...*

My husband is a cyclist. When I met him he used to be a mountain biker. He would take off with a few guys, every weekend, and got dirty in the woods. He loved it. I tried it, I did enjoy the getting dirty part (I’m the type who sees a puddle and jumps or rides in it) but because of a neck/shoulder problem riding was painful for me. As time went on his cycling buddies became fathers and thus less “available”… and let’s face it the boys were getting old…er.

Since his hip replacement, Hubby isn’t “allowed” or “supposed” to fall, so mountain biking isn’t the best. And he’s not allowed to run or jump. He should not have any impact on his right leg/hip. He had to stop volleyball (no jumping), karate (no impact), soccer (no running). He changed his mountain bike for a hybrid (road) one and since his surgery he’s been cycling up a storm. He was operated in January and that first year he rode over 1800 km – mostly commuting to work. Last year he rode over 2330 km. He started his season in March, as soon as the roads are somewhat dried up. He dressed in his “cold weather” gear and he rides.

He’s been itching to get back on his bike. If there was enough snow left in our yard, I’m sure he could have made this himself, but he didn’t.

His “season” started yesterday morning. As he was putting on his cycling shorts this morning I saw the temperature, -2ºC (28.4ºF) and -6ºC (21.2ºF) with wind. It’s still not that warm. The man is nuts… but hey! His tush, not mine! Which you should see, by the way, nice and plump! Cycling is great for those glute muscles – no complain about that! On the contrary!!!

Besides hearing the migrating birds coming back, and seeing a lot more squirrels, it’s nice to see the yucky black snow melt away… I enjoy this time of year, the sun makes me feel better all around, I feel lighter when it’s sunny… The only thing that I really don’t appreciate about this time of year is all the dog crap melting… ahhh the smells of Spring… so many irresponsible dog owners… but wait… this year I shouldn’t really care; it won’t be my yard anymore! Yipee!

Another sign that Spring is here, last night we had our first BBQ!!! Pork chops! Thick, well seasoned and grilled to perfection – Y u m m y!

I just heard a bird chirruping... the sounds of Spring... Life is good!

*Spring is here...


Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear he found an outlet. I have a lot in common with him. I was outdoors doing everything climbing, hiking, mountain biking, traveling. Married+kids= activities only after kids go to be or before they get up. No more long distance big fun. I shattered my hip in an accident also and will have to get it replaced someday. My brother in law is a crazy cyclist like your hub. He does a 24 hour challenge thing where he sees how many miles he can bike in a 24 hour period. If your hubby would like info on it. Let me know. It is Father's day of this year. I am sure he is trained for it. People from all over the world do it. It's in Michigan. Not far from you.

Purple Pigeon said...

ah yes, the sounds of spring do lift the spirits!

tho donning the cycling shorts in -6 is just a crazy idea! your hubby may just be a little bit mental.

Mmmmm barbeques. the whole summery thing of beer gardens and picnics. Sounds marvellous. Woo hoo, summer is coming!!

don't call me MA'AM said...

I also heart spring. It just makes everything so much cheerier. And yes, that's a word. I said so.

Eek! He is brave! That's still pretty darn cold for shorts.

stinkypaw said...

wreckless: I'm glad too, 'cause otherwise he'd be a pain to be around! I'll mention the challenge to him, who knows, he might be tempted. Thanks for the info.

plump pigeon: Of course he's mental - he married me after all! ;-)
Can't wait to wear my flip flops!!

dcmm: Ok, it's a word - you could make a worser one... ;-)
It's a fine line between bravery and stupidity! ;-)

PreppyGirl said...

My dad had a hip replacement at about age 53. Within a year he was back downhill skiing! He probably shouldn't have, but he's not one to sit around and let life tell him what to do. He's very athletic and works out every day (yes, I said every day - I did NOT get that gene from him!)

Good for your hubby!

Anonymous said...

Spring is here! But I feel guilty raving about it too much because of all of you that are still fighting winter!

stinkypaw said...

pg: I can only hope (I think?!) that Hubby will be as active as your dad at 56!

shopper: Thank you for not rubbing it in too much. It's appreciated! ;-)

Kim said...

bbq season...yummmmmmmmmmmm *drool*

looks like us fellow eastern Canadians are going to have some more snow Easter weekend...sucky, crappy weather. O, spring, where art thou???

I just bought a couple pairs of shorts on the weekend but I'm not brave enough to put them on's still way too cold for me!

stinkypaw said...

kim: I'm just hoping that Environment Canada is once again wrong about the snow...