Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Need to vent...

Even if it’s only been a few days, it feels like I’ve been away from Blogsville for ages. There are so many things going on, that I don’t know where to start so instead I’ve decided to vent a little…

Today was a strange day temperature wise: it rained, we had some hail and it snowed… Oh the joy of spring…

Had to go for a blood test yesterday morning. Waited over 2 hours for a test that took less than 5 minutes – ‘gotta luuuvvvv our lovely medical system!

When I asked the nurse how long it would be before my doctor (which I’m seeing tomorrow night) gets the results; why did she say 5 to 10 days? The doctor’s office had the results that same night! If you don’t know, it’s ok to say so.

Why is the sale procedure of our house taking so long? I want to see that “Sold” sign! We’ve accepted an offer, within a week of our house being on the market, we met the conditions (mortgage and inspection), what’s happening?

At the grocery store earlier, the lady in front of me wasn’t agreeing on the price she was being charged for raspberries. The clerk was too lazy to do a price check so he charged her the price she said, 3.99 vs. 4.99. When came my turn to pay and the cashier asked me if I needed anything else, I answered: “I would like to pay the same price as the lady before me did for the raspberries” – why did she look at me funny? She did correct the price though.

What’s the matter with stupid people? Why are there so many of them out there?

On a positive note: Dairy Queen is now open - I'll be able to go for a Peanut Buster! Yuuummmmy!

ok... I feel a bit better now...


Kim said...

we've had crazy weather here too...even the birds are confused!

...we're lucky...our dairy queen is open year round!!! My fave is the chocolate extreme blizzard...haven't had one since last summer but now you have me craving one. Thanks a lot ;)

Paisley said...

I loved the Peanut Buster Parfait when I was a kid. I thought it was called Peanut Buster Barfait and I could not figure out why anyone would name a desert after barf. Ah, childhood.

People are stupid. It's amazing to me. Sounds like our doctor offices are dipping in the same gene pool. ugh.

Anonymous said...

Now I'm craving a DQ hot fudge sunday. Yummmmmmmmm.

I remember when I bought my house, it took about a month between the owner accepting the offer and the closing. I think they should shorten the time too. I hate waiting!!!!! ;-)

PreppyGirl said...

Our DQ is open too - sadly it is 25 degrees F and SNOWING like mad outside. It is supposed to keep up all weekend. Ho hum.

stinkypaw said...

kim: The flowers are confused as well - it looks like some of my perennials started to come out and then froze - lovely! I've been craving DQ as well, so you're not alone! ;-)

paisley: He! he! Barfait - too funny! It's almost like those drinks they have for kids around here, the names they have really gross, but the kids love them!

Some people are beyond stupid - it's scary! Tonight I'm sure I'll be waiting a few hours before seeing my quack - unreal! ugh is right!

ananke: Those things are goooooood!! I'm not patient so this wait is killing me! argh!

pg: I know, what's up with that! It's Easter weekend, we should have sun and tulips not snow! WTF?!

Purple Pigeon said...

it always staggers me the utter unbelievable stupidity of some people. I seriously dont know how they manage to stay alive.

We've had some manic sporadic hot weather over here, i think the weather controller has fallen asleep on the control board and is rolling over random switches.

I know what you mean about the doctors. I was waiting about an hour to be told ''yeah, its a sore throat.'' My my, those years of training have paid off! An unqualified person such as myself could never have guessed that!

I'm glad you had a rant, its good to vent, it lets out all the tension, and then you can go 'ahhhh'. I seem to have joined you and ranted a bit in this very long comment, so i apologise!

Attila the Mom said...

I'm with you on stupid. And especially with people who go on national TV and show that stupid.

Today I watched one of the judge shows. Some lady rear-ended a family of four at a stop-light because she was busy trying to save her cup of water from falling on her seat.

She didn't think she was liable for damages because 1). That's what an accident is---an accident. She didn't do it on purpose, so why is she responsible?

and 2). Her actions caused their two year old (in a car seat, Thank GOD) to be knocked unconcious, but they didn't show enough concern for HER well-being, so screw them.

And car insurance? What is that?

You gotta wonder how people process information, don't you?

stinkypaw said...

plump pigeon: Like you wrote, venting feels good, so hope you felt better after leaving a comment! ;-)

atm: I think they are very carefully selected to go on tv ("better" tv!), but it is a sad, very sad reflexion of our society. Some of those people on those judge shows... I tell you... serious need of chlorine in the gene pool!

stef: EVERYwhere and out to get us! ;-)