I was supposed to go to a client yesterday, but due to our lovely weather (again a day of snow, rain, pellets, etc.), I postponed my visit to today. I thought I could manage to do all I had to before making it to my class. I hate having to drive downtown from the West-Island, 2 or 3 days in a row. On a good day it takes 30 min. When I hit traffic, which is almost every night I go to class, it takes me between 60 min to 80 min. I hate the bumper-to-bumper dance. Moving downtown will be great, if only for that reason!
Every time I’m at that specific client, it’s a loooong day. I normally don’t get out of there before 7:30 – 8:00pm, and sometimes even later. Tonight I
From 4 o’clock on, I started to rush a little. I was making sure I was doing everything I was supposed to, printing the required documents, etc. By 5 o’clock, I encountered a little problem; something wasn’t balancing. It took me a while to find the error, but I managed. By 6 o’clock, my stress level was getting up there; I was truly rushing to get everything done. By 6:45 I said my farewell and basically ran to my car.
By 7:00 pm I got my keys back from the valet, threw my briefcase on the backseat, started the engine, took a deep breathe when I realised that my dashboard clock was showing “6:00”. WTF?!?

Well… I got to my class in ample time, sat in my car for 35 minutes and read…
Nope! I’m not stressed. Not at all… What would make you think that?
Image: Computer Time
I can soooooo relate to your "driving downtown". Yesterday in this discusting weather I had to drive to Westmount. O.M.G !!! White nuckle driving all the way, and what is with daytime traffic, absolutely terrifying, Mack trucks up your rear end at 120k in the rain, snow, ice pellets and oceans of water accumulation on the highay ? MANIACS !! By the time I got to my destination (and find parking...that was the longest part of my journey) I was an absolute wreak !!! This is my relaxing week off !!?? Give me bumper-to-bumper any day. How fortunate you found that extra hour and even had the chance to relax before meditation, you most likely embraced class and things will go that much better today....Are we having fun yet ? Mousse ;-0
silly silly computers! I'm telling you, they are conspiring to up our stress levels to boiling point. That is when we are most vunerable, then the computers will rise up and take over the world!!!!
Sorry about that. Hope you are feeling less stressed now. I know what its like when you have something to do and the time seems to be racing by. Where's that dragging time when you need it??
My computer clock has never, ever been right, so I never count on ANY computer clock to be right.
At least it wasn't an hour off in the other direction, so you would have actually missed your class!
Holy crap! Well, on the plus side, at least you weren't late. ;-)
mousse: I know exactly what you mean with the driving - argh!
I'm having fun and yet it feels strange to think that I'll be leaving this house, that I've been calling home for the last 13 years...
p pigeon: Computers rising up and taking over the world? With an army of spiders?! I KNOW!!!
I think that time hasn't been dragging around here for quite some time... wonder why...
lizgwiz: That would have been the worst, I didn't miss my class and had time to relax before.
ananke: Nope I wasn't - that's for sure! I hate being late!
Holy crap! This totally happened to us at work yesterday too. We have a central clock system in our building that operates all the clocks in the building (it used to be a school). The power went off in the morning and when it came back on, all the clocks jumped ahead about 45 minutes. We all almost went home early until someone actually checked their watch. We ate lunch early and everything.
I hate traffic too. Thank goodness your commute will soon be minimized!
You've discovered a way to add an hour to your day...yipppiee! It was nice that you got to sit and read for a bit! ;)
pg: I think that is one of my fear; to not realise that my clock/watch is not keeping time correctly... All that stress for nothing, as if I need this at the moment!
shoparound: Yes it was, I got to relax a bit which made meditating a bit easier!
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