I decided to take a few minutes for me, and to express myself on my blog… I’m like an old engine, some steam need to come out! What started out as a fairly normal day quickly turned. As I tried to prepare the paychecks from one of my clients, I encountered a glitch in the system. I tried to solve it myself, to no avail. So I call the technical support. I was charged $113.95 for 45 min. on the phone with a technician who, in the end, told me he couldn’t tell me why it wasn’t working properly. The file might be corrupted on something. He gave me a “work around” solution, but the problem isn’t really fixed. Because I spent so much time on the phone, I missed the deadline to submit the pays so that the boys get their pays on Thursday. They will be paid on Friday instead. I’m sure I’ll hear about that.
Then, I decided to call around for a notary. My MIL asked me to do so; she wants to amend her will. I’ve called so many places and the prices vary so much from one to the other, it’s unreal.
While I’m on the phone, the notary of our house buyers’ called to set the appointment for the signing of all documents for the sale. I have a phone in both hands and I feel just a little stress by now…

Hang up with that one, phone rings again it’s a supplier re. an order I’ve been trying to place for at least two weeks. NOW he calls back! Of all time! Managed to do that as well. Stress level just a little higher…
Quickly eat a bite for lunch (at around 2pm), when the phone rang again. This time it was our new bank. They offer a service of switching all our automatic transactions for us. Great! But I have to provide them with all the account numbers for each thing. Gah!
At one point I told the lady to call me back another day – I wasn’t up for that just now.
Then I realised that I needed to make an appointment for my car, something is making noise when I turn corners, so I called the garage. (Going in Thursday morning for that.) I remembered that I wanted to make sure that all my car payments should be done as of this month – they are! Woohoo! My car is paid for!!! (At least, that is good news!)
Oh did I say that there’s a technician who just came in to fix our smoke detector? It was going off for no reason, at any time. Hubby cut it off last week, now we need to replace it. Why couldn't it break in a month or so? We are out of here in 10 days! But nooooo!
I feel a little out of breath… huumm...
When it rains it pours! That tech support wasn't much support was it? :(
That does sound like a helluva day. But yay for paid-off cars!!
Slow deep breaths.
In. . .
Out. . .
In. . .
Out. . .
Hang in there!
Ugh, that's why I absolutely H.A.T.E calling tech support!!!!
sounds like one of those days when you'd wish you'd have stayed in bed ;)
...yeah about the car though!
Yeah, i got nothing...Sounds like a busy, stressful day..hope the next few days are a little more stress free. :)
shoparound: Tech support sucked!
lizgwiz: THAT I'm happy about!
ts: Thanks and welcome back ;-)
ananke: I know what you mean!
kim: In bed, UNDER the covers!
biddie: I'm hoping so as well - thanks!
How much??? just to tell you, what, that he cant help? They shouldnt et paid if they cant help. But hey, if you want to give me that kinda money for the same advice, i wont complain. Tho, unlike the tech bloke, i would say it in a nice english accent and offer tips on tea making and other english institutions.
UGH - that IS one of those days.
You need a bubble bath and some nice chocolates or something. I'd buy you some if you didn't live thousands of miles away. Hopefully this all means that your move will be SEAMLESS. Here's hoping!
pigeon: I should give me some money just to hear that accent of yours! But I must say that the tech guy also did have an accent, but it wasn't English!
paisley: Thanks for the chocolate idea - that's sweet of you! One can only hope that everything goes smoothly...
Good lord woman, I'm exhausted just reading that post.
mama: Imagine how I feel! ;-)
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