Monday, September 10, 2007

Let's give it a go!

I've mentioned before that I have ALL my birthday cards since I was born. I love to send and receive cards, any cards. I always did. Lately, due to everything going on in our lives, I've been sending e-cards or making a simple phone call to let the birthday person know that I thought of them. It may not be important to some, but to me it is.

I received an email that I thought was so cool. Instead of forwarding it, I'm posting about it.

We are going to try to accomplish the task of seeing if we can fill the calendar up with a birthday on every day of the year. Out of all of the billions of people who live in the world, there has to be somebody born on each date of the year.

So, if you are reading this you MUST leave me a comment with your birthday so that I can update the list. Let's see how long it gets. This will be our big 2007-2008 post.

Simply add a comment (no anonymous, please) with your birth date, name (NO LAST names) and your city / province (or state) and country. You can do it here as an Opiniated lurker or here.

I will then add it to the list here.

Please, tell all your friends! The more people we tell about this, the more dates we will fill.

Don't be shy, even if you're not a regular or just got here by hitting "next blog".

I will "remind" you about this every Friday, with my "Friday Smile", so what do you say, want to give this a go?


Anonymous said...

I'm there baby...anxious to see if it'll work !!

Kim said...

ok, here you go...

Kim, June 18th, Ottawa, ON, Canada

Anonymous said...

Marisa, November 12th, Northern Panhandle, WV

Attila the Mom said...

Attila, February 3, Colorado Rockies

Anonymous said...

Lisa, December 6, Falmouth, KY.

Brave Astronaut said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Brave Astronaut said...

OH GOODNESS. My wife's name is Marisa and it is rare to see another one appear, especially randomly like this. And usually it is spelled "Marissa" (in the how to piss off the missus category). I left my birthday on the other blog site, her birthday is August 12.

Anonymous said...

Alrighty -

Lara, August 13, Philadelphia, PA

Anonymous said...

Jan, April 22, Urbana, IL

Jason Stockl said...

Jason, July 13, Montreal QC

Erin B. said...

Erin, February 9, Atlanta, GA