Thursday, September 27, 2007

Open letter re. Stop the Abuse

Dear Stinkypaw,

I've decided to write to you today, since it is "BloggerUnite Blog Against Abuse" day.

I've been wanting to let you know for so long how you've made me feel, despite my hints here and there, I thought you weren't really getting my message. Maybe by addressing you this way, will trigger something.

I've lived with you for over 40 years and it saddens me to say that you've been somewhat abusive with me for all those years. You robed me of a pain free existence.

I know that you were the daughter of a man who had an easier time hitting than explaining things, which could explain why the aggressions occurred from a very young age. You involved me in numerous accidents, nothing life threatening as such, but lots of pain. Then when you reached your teen years, I had to endure bone fractures, not one but two at the time. You always had to do things to the max. Then you started to do full contact karate. That lasted for over 20 years. The way you treated me during those years was such, that it pains me still today to even think about it. I do remember how you would try to justify your actions by saying that it was to better me, to protect me in some strange twisted way but despite your best efforts to hide it, I know that you knew, deep down, you were seriously hurting me.

It got to a point where I had no other choice but to let you know how much your behavior was hurting me. I had reached my threshold. I started to slowly show you that something had to give. You, once again, fought me on this. You denied everything. How could that be? You only meant well. You never did anything to hurt me intentionally, but nonetheless, I was in pain. You loved me and wanted me around for a long time.

Obviously it didn't work, thus me writing you today. I'm asking you, for the next years we will be spending together to show a little more consideration for my well-being. I know that you are aware and well intended. You need to stop abusing me, we're not getting any younger and you should be listening to my signals, or at least pay some attention to them. I do want you around and if you are willing to take better care of me, I will let you continue to "abuse" me, as long as you do it with moderation. We can cooperate and it will be the greatest "win-win" situation for both of us.


Your body


lizgwiz said...

I'm sure my body would like to complain a bit about my treatment of it, as well. I wish it would just shut up and stop creaking and whining so much. ;)

Christina_the_wench said...

Wow. Love it. good writing, chica!

stinkypaw said...

lizgwiz: I know exactly what you mean! ;-)

christina: Thanks!