A year ago today I held Cathy’s head in my hand for the last time.
A year ago today I decided to let her go.
I often think of her, and feel the void of her absence.
She brought me so much joy and love.
She made me appreciate the morning sun, the birds chirping and how quiet our neighbourhood was during her first outing.
She would bring a smile to my face just by the way she would wait for me.
I miss her so.
She was ma p’tite doudoune.
I can only hope that she is waiting for me by the Rainbow Bridge…
May you rest in peace Cathy.
We just never stop missing them, do we? I know exactly how you feel. And YES, they are waiting for us somewhere. I absolutely believe that.
Been there. Hated it, but had to do it.
Has it really been a year? So sad.....
lizgwiz: I don't think we do. I believe so as well. :-)
marius: I so know what you mean.
ananke: A year already, time just flew by, didn't it?
Wow, its been a year?? Doesn't seem that long ago that i was reading about the Pooch knawing on a bone almost as big as her!
She'll be happily acting like she's in charge in the kennel in the sky.
::sniff sniff::
Cathy is waiting for you by the Rainbow Bridge, and hoping you will bring her favourite treats, the little vulture. Thank You, again, for the week she was with me, she was such a "Grande Dame". I miss her too, so much.
pigeon: A year already. Good memory about the bone, that was in August 2006. I'm sure she is.
suzie: Thanks Suzie, I know you enjoyed your time with her, she was a special pooch, wasn't she?
sorry for your loss. I think this can hurt more than losing people, sometimes.
nicotine: You got that right.
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