I’ve also restarted cooking for others. I used to do that for a few regular customers, you know, like catering… I’ve been doing that, as a sideline, for a few years now. I enjoy cooking and people enjoy my food. Last week was busy in the kitchen. Between preparing (and freezing) meat sauce, I did some Mexican pies and some regular meat pies. I just love our new oven. I can bake six pies at once! I love it! Did I tell you, how much I luuuuv our new oven? Oh, I do love thee!
My neck and shoulders were bothering me, so I went for a deep-tissue massage. Maybe it is because of my years in training in full-contact karate, but I love this. Yes it is painful, even at times, freakin’ painful, but the way I feel after is worth the moments of discomfort. While I was on his table, he noticed that I had a new ring, to which I said: “Yeah, it’s a blog buddy from England, who studied to become a jeweller, who made it as a session project and sent it to me as a Christmas gift! Isn’t it cute?” He stopped hurting me for a few seconds, looked at the ring and said: “I didn’t realise blogging came with gifts!” We talked about what blogging actually came with, the “benefits” of meeting people on line, through a blog, and getting to know some more than others, and caring for them etc. He was truly surprised to hear that I did send stuff to complete strangers, or people I’ve never actually met, and how in some strange ways friendships were forming… It is fascinating when you think about it.
Since I do have short hair, I have to maintain the cut on a regular base, to keep it structured, so monthly I get my hair cut. I get it coloured every other month or so, depending on the colour. I do change colour fairly regularly. I like changes. On the day I go to the Salon, when Hubby comes home he always ask: “What colour is it today?”. Friday when he got home my answer was “raisin”! I like it. I’m not crazy about the streaks left on my towel but that’s only the first few days. I thought of taking a picture, and on it you can also see the ring Purple Pigeon gave me.

Saturday we had dinner with friends. I’m always taken aback (in a way) when people comment on how much they enjoy seeing us as a couple in love. It’s not like we’re all lovey-dovey and can’t keep our hands off each other, our smooching all the time, ‘cause we’re not. When the daughter of our friends, in her early twenties, said she wanted to have a relationship, a couple like what we have, I felt touched and yet wondered why she would say something like that. Hubby thanked her and said he was taking it as a compliment. When I asked him later on what it was about us that made people say that (because it wasn’t the first time!), he doesn’t know either, nor does he care (typical!). We’re happy together and that’s all that matters. He’s right, but still, I’ll have to investigate on that one.
Yesterday I had a “play date” with a girlfriend of mine, for an afternoon of scrapbooking! I did two pages, then came home and did two more. I hadn’t done any in almost a year, so to get back into it was fun. We will try to do this at least once a month until summer. We don’t scrapbook in summer, too many things to do outside!
I didn’t even tell you about the weather we’ve been having either. Remember about two weeks ago we had a big snowstorm, the second or third this winter. Well, in the same week we went from –19° C (-2.2° F) before the wind factor, to 11° C (51.8° F) a few days later. It rained for a few days in a row, to the point where our front lawn was back on grass! Today, it’s snowing, –5° C (23° F) and everything is white again! Go figure! Crazy place we live in and Mother Nature is surely going menopausal and is having some serious hot flashes…
I’ve been meaning to blog more, and yet, work and life in general seems to be getting in the way. I’m just happy I didn’t sign up for the “365 blogging thing”… What have you been up to?
I think signing up for the 365 blogging thing would be crazy!
...sounds like you have an awesome oven (6 pies at once, wow!)...and love your hair!
Call me crazy! I signed up for the 365 blogging thing and so far I've managed at least one post everyday in spite of being run over by a car. (Haha, let's see how many hits that garners over on my blog as people ask "Did she really get run over by a car?")
Love your hair. I'm thinking of getting mine cut short again. I used to wear it short but have been growing it for a couple of years. Seeing your hair makes me think maybe I will go back to short, particularly if it would look as good as yours does.
Anyway, on with the real comment. (What? What were those last two paragraphs anyway? Oh those were just a couple of asides.) Even though we have never met in person I think I have a pretty good guess what it is that people see in you and your husband that has them commenting as they do. I'll bet the two of you are one of those couples who just seem to flow seamlessly as one entity. I'll bet that the two of you speak to and about one another kindly. I'll bet the two of you exude the kind of comfort with each other that only truly happy couple exude. I've known a few couples like that, and they are rare. Good for you both if you are one of those couples.
Unfortunately, I think 95% of the couples I've known are either unhappy or on the road to unhappiness. It sounds like what you've found is one of those rare relationships that others can only dream about and it sounds like you cherish what you've got. Now THAT is rare!
heavens to betsey, your shower is clean. seriously, i can't get over it. my shower get that clean if i doused it in pure bleach.
i'm jealous of your hair color. i want to go that dark someday.
change is good and its great to have a different look now and then! it keeps the feds from finding you ;)
Just kidding, but i like that scrap booking thing - it sounds like fun. i do not think i could do a 365 day blog yikes! Way too much time on computer for that!
I've heard that about deep tissue massages, they can be painful but the benefits are worth it. Last Monday we had almost 70 F (21 C) temps and this Monday only 30 F (-1 C)!!! I think dementia has hit Mother Nature and she can't remember what normal temps are. ;-)
Love the hair!!!!! LOVE IT.
kim: Yes my oven is awesome and thank you for the hair!
trueself: Crazy! ('joking!), curious to see how many will click over to see if you were really hit by a car... Thanks for the hair!
I don't know if we "exude" as you say, but we must emanate something 'cause it's not the first time it happens. You are right about one thing, Hubby and I are comfortable and happy together and we are respectful of the other. Thanks for that "comment" it made me go "aaww" :-)
tnb: I do appreciate what we have and cherish it, because it is rare to find the good man, or at least good for/to me!
kara: Thanks on both counts. Maybe you're blond because of the bleach you use in the shower?! Hee.
kala: I would move to Kauai to evade the Feds! And yes change is good & scrapbooking is fun. Especially with a friend!
ananke: Mother Nature is going 'gaga', that's for sure!
paisley: Welcome back & thank you, I'm enjoying it too!
Wow, am so chuffed the ring is starting conversations! Your post gave me a giddy, warm fuzzy feeling all afternoon at work (yes, i know i shouldnt be on the net at work, but still...) so a billion thanks for cheering my day!!
I love the hair, too! heheheh and very creative with the camera-blocking-out-face shot. gave me a chuckle. I had my hair cut short way back about seven years ago, and i immediately hated it. I've always had long hair. Its my security blanket! Glad to say that its back past my shoulderblades now....
Since breaking up, I've started viewing other peoples relationships in a new light. Its not jealousy, its more of a 'i'm so glad for them that they are happy'. Before, my friend and her boyfriend were just, y'know, going out, but then there was this moment when i saw a photo of them together, and it struck me as so lovely, that they are so lucky to be with someone that is proud of them and that they love. Makes me happy that other people are happy, and even if i'm going through a really crappy time. It reminds me that there is loveliness still in the world. Maybe thats what people mean when they see you and Hubby. Two people that love each other properly. Its a rare thing, but its nice even for people that are just onlookers.
Oh dear, I've gone mushy in my singledom. Never mind.
OOOOOHHHHH, meat pies . . . . [drool]
Don't make me come up there.
I see a chiropractor once a month and it comes with a massage before the adjustment. I will eat dirt, sleep in the streets, be on welfare, before I give up the cost of the finger love that I get once a month ... [ooh, that's dirty]
We are supposed to be getting some snow overnight tonight. What I wouldn't give for one good blizzard.
pigeon: I've always had long hair as well until I turned 20. Tried to grow it back a few times, last time was in '99, since then it's been short, and I'm loving it. I got the camera idea from Kara (saw it on her blog). Maybe we do love each other "properly" and it shows, who knows...
astronaut: We always want what we don't have, don't we? I'd give you the snow in a heart beat, but the meat pies... If you're ever in the area you can come over for a bite! ;-)
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