Thursday, October 30, 2008


I think I got this meme from Brave Astronaut, a little while back.

1. When was your first kiss? I must have been 7 or 8, and I remember asking him if he wanted to kiss "like in the movies" and which side he was going to tilt his head... Hee.

2. When did you first start buying holiday or birthday gifts for other people and stop thinking about what people would buy for you? Hummm... interesting question... I think I still do for some people...

3. When was the first time you thought of yourself not as a kid/teen, but as an adult? The night I lost my virginity.

4. What do you remember about the first time you drove a car? The fact that I hit the fence because I hit the gas instead of the brakes.

5. Tell me about your first pet. My first pet was Miquet, a little kitten I had found. I already wrote about him here...

6. What was your first job? Besides working for my parents at either the restaurant or the dépanneur, my first job was watering lawns on a construction site.

7. Who was the first teacher to make a positive impact on your life? My second grade teacher, Teresa Barnabe, I still remember her fondly.

8. If you’ve lived in more than one house or apartment as an adult, tell me about your first one. I'll answer that as "the first place I lived outside of my parents' - that was when I moved in with my boyfriend, in LaSalle, in a duplex. We took over his brother's place, and completely remodeled everything.

9. What was it like the first time you got drunk (assuming you remember). I never really got drunk, but the first time I really felt the effect of alcohol (B52's) was on the night I turned 18, everything was spinning!

10. Did you marry your first love? Nope, but I married the right one for me! ;-)

Answer all, some or just one that really got you thinkin’!


tNb said...

so did you tilt your head to the opposite side? ;-)

Brave Astronaut said...

Nope, not mine, but I think I will take it for a future post . . .

Anonymous said...

This was a good one.

Anonymous said...

I like this and will be using it for a post. I like the think about it concept.

Anonymous said...

I still don't think of myself as an adult.