Monday, September 07, 2009


I've decided to join this touching project called "Project 2,996". Like the rest of you (I'm sure) when this time of year arrives, I can't help but remember September 11. It will be the eight year, already, this week.

What is this Project 2,996? It's a tribute to the victims of 9/11.

On September 11, 2006, more than 3,000 bloggers joined together to remember the victims of 9/11 and that because of Dale Challener Roe.

Each year they honor them by remembering their lives, and not by remembering their murderers.

If you would like to help out, by pledging to post a tribute on your own blog on 9/11 of this year, click here. Then, use the web to learn something about the life of the name you are given, and on 9/11, post your tribute on your blog or website.

Saddly there are only 902 people assigned this far... would you like to help?


ditzymoi said...

I am going to do two - re-post the one I did for a firefighter the first year of the project and then another he assigned me this year. I can't believe there arent enough bloggers to do each of the 2996 :(

Green-Eyed Momster said...

I'll think about it. Thinking about it still breaks my heart. I get overwhelmed with grief easily and got teary eyed just typing this.


Attila the Mom said...

Ahh that is so nice of you!

Donna. W said...

I did two, and I've already put them on my blog as sticky posts so they'll stay at the top through Saturday.

Brave Astronaut said...

OK, I'm in. Registered and waiting for my person to write about. Thanks for getting this out to us. I agree with Kim. I can't believe we can't find enough bloggers to cover all of the fallen.

Anonymous said...

I will never forget how incredibly brave the firefighters, police, and average people were who tried to save as many as they could.

A remembrance of that bravery is in order.