Monday, October 23, 2017

Alive She Is!

Well hello there!  Yep, still alive!  Don't really know why I feel the need to write today, but I do!

It's only been four months or so, not that bad, really.

Life has been keeping me busy, somewhat, and I managed to stay out of trouble, so trust me that does take time, and skills!

I think I'm starting to master the art of avoiding some people, you know those juice suckers and always drama happening.  I've been keeping to myself, and even if one could think it might be lonely, one would be wrong... it is actually nice.

Our condo association(s) have been keeping me somewhat busy too, and having to deal with people who want everything and expect it all, makes it hard for this one to remain calm and quiet.  There were some rocky times, but overall, it is turning out good.  It's a slow process but changes are happening and for the better, so one has to remain positive.  I'm not really hopeful, because, after all, I do know who I'm dealing with, but having lowered my expectations helped a lot.

I'm still writing postcards and enjoying it.  If only I could get this enthusiastic about going to a gym, ah! not happening!  Deep down, I know, I've trained for so many years, that I fell like I've given all that I could, and now the thought of dragging my ass to a gym makes my skin crawl.

Last week, I played tourists with some friends in town for the week.  The weather was nice so it was pleasant, even if it was here, not some exotic location or new place to discover.  I'm not used to do that much social in a week.  They think we're acting old, and maybe we are at times, but both Hubby and I like our time at home, and if that makes us old, than be it.  I don't care.  There is nothing wrong with enjoying being home.  And if there is, then call me wrong!

Oh and I've come to the conclusion that some people, even if they do say nice things to you, will let their actions speak louder than their words.  I'm sure we all have that type of friend who often says ''I'll call you'' and never does, or that one who comes to town but doesn't say a thing nor try to get together with you... I have a few of those, and sadly decided not to let them play with my feelings anymore.  If I get to see them, good, if not, too bad.  I'm often the instigator of get together with people, not sure I want to call them friends anymore, and I've made a conscious decision not to do it anymore.  I've made enough effort and I'm tired of being the one trying... so if they want to see me/us, they I'll give them the chance to do so.  I'm not holding my breath though!

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