Monday, December 31, 2018

Eight Posts This Year! Woohoo!

Would you look at this, it looks like I went all out this past year with eight posts.  Man, we are a long way from me writing a post almost daily to now writing a post every now and then.  Thinking back to my blogging days I will say this, I sure had fun and met some pretty cool people through those years.  I was even lucky enough to actually meet with one IRL.

Things did get messed up by the arrival of Bacefook and company.  A bunch of bloggers went on to Bacefook and that was the beginning of the end.  I will admit to getting hooked on Bacefook.  I started slow but when I created that Postcrossing group and became more active with Postcrossing that was my turning point.  Like I did in blogging, I did meet some interesting folks and many more than through blogging, but because of the group I've also seen the ugliness of little cliques. 

People in groups can be mean, to say the least.  There were cliques too in blogging, but I never felt that it was personal really. It was more like you'd prefer the writing style of this person, the humor of that one, but it didn't feel personal.  On Bacefook, it often feels personal.  It actually reminds me of high school.  I would lie to say I had it easy in high school; some parts were pretty rough, but I always managed to make a few friends and plow through.  I find that on Bacefook,  if someone doesn't like you or if they assume you're this way or that way, and they want to foul things up for you, they can.  It is (almost) scary at times.  I've told a few people they could leave the group (I manage) if they didn't like me; some did and others I took out myself.  Managing it all can be stressful at times, but I do enjoy it.   I think I have a good bunch.  Some, like on here, are only lurkers.  That's fine I respect that.  Not everyone cares to be out in the open, to express themselves or to share.  For some it is simply due to the fact that they are technically challenge; for others they might be too shy.  Whatever, it's all good!  It's been going good for the last few months, and I'm happy about it.

Can you believe 2018 is coming to an end? I can't! It feels like not that long ago I was celebrating its arrival in beautiful Hawai'i and now we're about to close it but this time from our home... 2018 has been a somewhat challenging year.  Health wise, both Hubby and I were good.  We had colds, pains, Hubby even had a little bout of Shingles, but overall we were good.  Work wise,  Hubby had to make some decisions and only time will tell how those turn out.  I, in this new year, will have to make some as well.  Time for me to review and decide what I want to do and how to pursue it. Friendship wise I've faced some disappointments.  I've been hurt but someone I thought of as a friend.  I've worked on forgetting about it all, and concentrate on others who are there and have been there for many years.  Not always easy to deal with unknowns, and for me this is I think the hardest:  the "not knowing" part, the reason why.  I'm learning to let go.  I'm growing up (or old!) I guess.  Family wise well... that is something on itself.  As time goes by, I'm more and more convince that blood is not thicker than water.  Family is what we decide it to be. 

For this new year coming I don't have many expectations.  I don't watch the news, so I have no clue what Trump and cie are messing up, how bad the climate is (other than when I can see around it, and let's be honest, it IS fucked up!), or how things are going in general.  I keep to myself as much as possible, trying to fly under the radar - yes, that is very selfish of me, and I assume it completely! - I do my things, try to avoid conflicts, and find refuge in our comfortable home.  I haven't done New Year's Resolutions in years, and I'm not about to start again.  I'm resolute in trying to do my best daily, how's that?

In closing, here's my wish for you:

May this new year ahead be filled with 
less stress,
genuine friendships,
more laughter,
no drama,
lots of health, 
time to enjoy it all!

All the best xox

1 comment:

flurrious said...

Happy New Year to you too! Hoping it's healthy and peaceful.