Monday, May 08, 2006

A New Day, A New Week, A New Contract!

On this beautiful Monday morning, my cute husband started a new contract! I'm wondering if he's excited about this new work environment, about the fact that he'll be able to cycle there, about his new hourly rate or simply because he's back at Nortel? After having been laid off from there in 1999, which gave us the "kick in the pants" we needed to start our own companie, it's almost funny to think that he's back again as a "consultant"! I know he's happy about seeing some of his old buddies that managed to avoid the chopping block. Many of the friends we made at work, or at the dojo are no longer there. People got laid off and went on to other jobs, locations and at times we lost touch with some of them. Things changed, right?

Everywhere we go we meet people, sometimes it's work related, other times it's doing sports and at times it's during travel. There's people you meet and instantly know that you'll see them again, and just the same there's people out there that you wish you've never met!

On Friday, Augie forward me a message that his team leader sent out to annonce his departure. Reading it gave me a nice feeling that despite his "bitching" and his "analness", my husband is appreciated at work, for his work ethics and even his, at times, rough exteriors people see in him a warm person, who cares and who shows a lot of professionalism. One thing for sure, he REALLY is a Geek! He has this knowledge and at times (yeah, at times, on RARE occasions!) he surprises me, with this ability he has to store information (often times, useless!) , but every so often it is useful... And, he has this "computing mojo"... What is that you may ask, if you haven't been exposed to it yet? Often, I mean very often, I'll be in the office and I'll experience some "technical difficulties", so before asking him to help me, I try different things and if all options I know about don't work, I'll call him up. He'll ask me to show him what I've done and how, and before I know it, it works! That really piss me off! That's his mojo! He even did it on the phone! When he's around computers it works!

My husband has been at his current client for a few hours now, and already he's complaining about the operating system. Everyone who knows him, a little (doesn't have to be much, trust me!) know that he's a Pinguin Pusher, a Linux freak. He doesn't do Windows... and that is too bad, since looking out just now, our windows could use a good wash... Maybe I'll do that this afternoon? Yeah right, as if!

I hope that my geeky husband enjoys his new contract, most of all enjoys himself (I know he will once he has a "real" operating system) and whatever makes him happy at work.

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