Monday, June 05, 2006

The "joy" of gardening... Yeah right!

Just came in from one hour or so of freakin' gardening! Man do I hate that! A few years back my therapist (Yes! that's YOU Richard!!!) suggested that I give gardening a try. It wasn't really appealing to me, but he was really pushy, he even brought me some cuttings and baby perennials to make sure that I would start gardening. ...and I did!

The first year I planted a bunch of things and was all excited to see the blooms. I still do enjoy the view, it is the work I dislike and the fact that it's full of mutiple species of "bebittes" (read bugs) - I hate anything that can crawl up a leg, arm or anywhere else for that matter!
My first fall gardening I knew I had to "clean up", so I basically cut off everything... and according to Richard way too early. I remember him telling me that there wasn't any contest for me to win by being the first one who cut down overthing. Oh well.

Then spring came around and things started to grow... I was completely freaking out. I didn't know what was what? Is this a weed or something that is suppose to grow back? Humm... dunno?! So I started to weed, I was pulling out weeds like there was no tomorrow. Turns out I was weeding the good stuff! Yet another expensive lesson of gardening!

It's been a few years now, and to be honest I don't give a rat's ass about it all. I do enjoy seeing my purple clematis covering the retention wall, and my big rudbeckias, but not to the point of going out there and allow myself to be eaten alive (they were quite voracious today!), and I'm not saying anything about nature as such! I pull weeds twice a year, like now when everything is grown enough that I know that it isn't something "good", so I get my frustrations out and pull the crap out of any weed standing! Today I tried to fix my clematis. They are growing like crazy (imagine if I'd tend them!) so I was trying to fix them so that they would cover a bigger section of the wall... Let's hope it works. I've pulled out so many Lily-of-the-valley, those as well grow like weeds...

Now let's talk about nature... It's pretty gross when you think of it from an urban point of view. Today there were bunches of webs FULL of micro spiders. *EWH!!* I wonder what our new neighbours thought of my dancing in the garden? I "just" couldn't leave them there, so I grabbed a root that I had pulled out and proceed to knock them off the branches and spread the baby spiders all over the garden, at which point I started dancing around and shrugging and brushing off anything that could be on me! *Yuk!* Just the thought of it and I feel like something is crawling up my leg! *Blechh!*

I picked up a rock and there was so much movement under there, that I yipped and jumped back *WAAUGHH!*, and sharply replaced that stone! Nevermind the look, carry on, don't mind me!!! I really don't like bugs...especially not when there's a bunch of them... *Blrghgh!* Anyway I'm done for a while now.

When I see things like that I realise that I'm a city chick, not really a rural one. I love nature, a little weekend in the woods, etc. But man! Am I happy to come home after! I guess it's just not me! ...and that's ok.

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