Thursday, June 01, 2006

Phase One: Step 2

My task for today is: Write something for 15 min.

This should be fairly easy, but I won't make blogging my writing thing... I'll use a pen a paper, the old fashioned way. Maybe I'll write a friend? Let's see how it goes.

Well that was easy! I actually wrote in my journal, which I haven't done in months. Actually I've been writing here instead. It's maybe not as "personal" as what I normaly write in my journal, but still. I love to write. Always have. I think that in one of my previous life I must have been living in the old South or something, in the days when people would write Thank You notes and stuff. Some poeple are always surprised when they receive a thank you note. I love to do that. It's a little gesture that shows my appreciation. I just think it's nice.

Anyway, my task is done for today!


PreppyGirl said...

Pencil and paper? Do they still make those?

Write on!

stinkypaw said...

Those are one of my (many) passions. I love to go into a stationery shop... I have a serious "thing" about pens... and nice papers...
In school I used to love the begining of a new year. I would go mad with all the new books, note pads, etc. To this day I love books and pencils and paper... I know it's sad, especially in today's cyber world and with a hubby being such a geek with everything (or as much as possible) online... He wants a paperfree world... that will never happen!!! Not with me around anyway!

PreppyGirl said...

I LOVE office supplies. Pens especially. I could walk around Office Depot for hours!

stinkypaw said...

Let's go shopping!!!