Monday, June 12, 2006

Phase Two: Step 13

Oh no! I just read that the more habits I break, the faster I'll lose weight! I have a "target-rich" environment - yeah ok! Great!

Today I have to fine-tune my temperament. AGAIN I oscillate between being introverted and extroverted - where are those people who keep on telling me that life isn't all black or white, seems to me that I'm that freakin' grey zone A LOT!

I think that I tend to "act" more in an extroverted manner, and I'm sure a lot of people will agree with that. All this simply because I speak my mind! Every time I tell someone that I happen to be shy, they look at me funny or they simply laugh at me. Really I am shy.
I hate going to a party when there's lots of people already there, or if I don't know many people (like when I accompany hubby to a client's things), I'll be in my corner. Yes, I do "warm up" fast, and will join in, BUT only if I feel like I like these people and might have something in common with them.

I'm not shy to the point of being unable to call somewhere (I did phone surveys for a while, so I had to get over that "pretty" fast), but I don't like calling certain places. But there are moments that I don't feel at ease, and if someone really knows me, they will notice that I've stepped back into my shell.

But on the other hand, I can also be quite an extrovert. Reading their description of it, one thing for sure, I'm not a TRUE extrovert.

I don't dominate conversation (or at least try not to!), I do keep quiet for a while (and then people think there's something wrong) and I don't have a high volume. I hate that.
I love to spend time alone, heck; I'm alone at home most every day! I don't interrupt other people (ok! on this one hubby will comment, but besides him I tend to be a good listener!) or worst, finish their sentences.

What counts is how I feel about myself. I feel like I am a mixture of both.


-R- said...

I am more of an extrovert, but it completely depends on the situation. I think that if you ask any coworkers I have ever had, they would say I am introverted, whereas I can't think of anyone I know socially who would say the same. I think you are right in that it is your perception of yourself that matters!

stinkypaw said...

Welcome -r-!

It's strange how people's perception can vary from our environment alone.
As long as I "sort of" have an idea of who I am, I'll be ok. least I hope so! =^..^=

Jason Stockl said...

I'm more introverted, "dans ma bulle" as we say in French...