I’m wondering if her being here is the same as her being on life support?
Are we keeping her alive out of selfishness? Are we really doing a good thing?
At times I wonder about that…
She’s doing ok – some days are good and others, like yesterday, it's sad.
At times she is completely “gone”, but then she has a little spark of life!
I wonder if she's suffering at all. She doesn't cry, she only sleeps. She still eats and drinks - while we eat is a time when she purkes up a lot, she's very fond of table food.
The way she is makes me think a lot of my father and how I felt at the time. I very much dreaded if we would find him dead somewhere. A part of me is afraid of that with the pooch as well…
But like Hubby said, unlike my father she’s not choosing to go, nature is taking its course…
That thought is somewhat soothing… but it’s does not make it easier.
Photo: Cupcake
Oh, that is so sad. If the dog doesn't seem to be in pain, then it sounds like you are doing the right thing and giving the dog lots of love!
Love is very good... I agree with -r-.
Can't see the photo, though. ??
Has it really been a whole month? It doesn't seem that long ago.
I say that until the dog is suffering and in pain, keep on loving the dog and caring for it (oops, can't remember if it's him or her). That's what we did for Dolly, our basset. We knew the time was right to put her down when she growled and snapped at me when I accidently brushed against her. She had always been such a loving dog that we knew she had to feel really, really bad to react that way. I still miss her, and that was over seven years ago.
-r- & dcmm: That is the one thing we are giving her lots of, that's for sure!
NIF: Time flies doesn't it! Cathy is a "her" all the way - never been fixed! We will do our best to take care of her and to make sure that she's confortable and most importantly, pain free.
I think you'd know if she was in pain. She is receiving lots of love from you all, she is probably just happy to be alive. You are doing an amazing thing.
Take care, Meow
With our dog, she had so many problems for so long...We always were watching for signs that she was suffering. Like you said, good days, and bad days. We were actually on a good streak up until that last day, but suddenly she took a very difficult turn, and the answer was clear to us. We know we made the right choice for her, but I miss her everyday...
meow: I sure hope so that I'll know. I really don't want her to suffer, and I also hope that she feels the love! Thanks!
3c: Sorry for your loss - we get sooo attached to those little buggers... I can only hope it will be as obvious for us when the time comes.
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