Since she's been living with us, we both pet her A LOT. When we first got her she would be nervous when we would get close to her neck area. She has lumps and they must hurt. I had tried to put her collar on and she cried out, and at another time she tried to bite me, so... Lately she seemed more relaxed when we pet her, so I thought I'd give the leash thing another try.
It was funny when I took her leash out, she went from interested to ears down walking away. I talked to her, pet her a bit and asked Hubby to pick her up. She trusts him a lot, I guess his big hands are reassuring her or something (I know they have that effect on me!), so I managed to put her collar on without her crying or anything. We waited a bit while she was doing some serious contortions to scratch and get at it. I put the leash on her and off we were. We walked for about 15 min. She followed without any problem, her little legs going pretty fast, non-stop, except for a few pee breaks along the way.

When we got back home, she hit her water bowl and then her bed, snoring full throttle.
Getting back in shape seems to have the same effect on a pooch as it does on us - it's hard work, and it's soooo tiresome!
Here she is, in her bed with her little teddy bear... Isn't she cute?
Ahhhhh poor tired poochie!! So cute! Its like my guinea pigs, when i put them outside for a run round the garden, they are out for about two hours, and when they get back in their cage they got fast asleep immediately, all pooped out from the fresh air and grass eating
Aaawww, poor puppy, all tuckered out. I love that he is snuggling a teddy bear .. too cute !!
Thanks for sharing, good luck on the get fit thing !!
Take care, Meow
elf: Thanks! Fresh air and exercise has the same effect on everbody small or big, pet or not - that's one thing that is the same for all! ;-)
meow: Thanks! and that wasn't "set up"! She often ends up with her paw or paws around her teddy bear, all snugged...
So cute with that little teddy bear between her paws!
How was the walk for you? ;)
-r-: The walk for me is fine, thanks for asking! Won't go for walks mid-day. too darn hot, but at night I like it, plus I get to peep in other people's houses! ;-)
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