Last night while sipping my tea (Earl Grey, if you please!) in front of the fire, Hubby asked me if I was anxious about the surgery. At that exact moment I had been thinking about the upcoming Brazilian. I’m not really nervous (just yet!) about the surgery, but the waxing I wasn’t looking forward to. I was right not to!
This morning I made my way to a naturopath’s office to get some homeopathic granules to help my healing/recovery. I got some Arnica, I figure it can’t hurt, right?
Then I went home, had lunch and prepared myself mentally for the task at hand.
A few days ago I asked Hubby if he would do me the honour of trimming me – the inner thigh area I can’t easily reach. I didn’t really want my esthetician to go play in there, I like her and all and feel very comfortable with her, but I don’t know many people who’d enjoy being butt naked, and offering such a view of their nether area. Just the thought of being waxed “there” was giving me goose bumps. He managed to do it, without cutting me or pulling on my hair too much – he’s so gentle! I felt “naked” after that, and kind of realised what people meant about being hairless, etc.
When I got at the salon, I felt a little apprehensive. I didn’t care about being naked on her table; I was worried about the upcoming pain. No matter how little she takes off, I never enjoy waxing! It doesn’t feel good, yes it kind of got easier over the years, but still I don’t like some areas – it hurts! Call me a wuss, I don’t care!

She started by my bikini area, which she does regularly, then she went into the “bush” –literally! The first strip was… unpleasant. Then the further in “the wild” she’d go, the more unwelcomed each motion was! Pain! I tell you!
She was nice and all, and would pause every so often (not often enough if you ask me!), but man, as she was getting further from the belly button, the worst it got. I even yelped at one point! Hurting! Sheer pain!!
She’d say, “it’s almost over” and yet proceed to do more! I’ve never realised how big my pubic area feels when lying on my back while every little single hair is being pulled out! It’s huge! I’m telling you! A friend of ours refers to the area as a “tarte de poil” (hair pie), it felt more like I had a “jumbo size pizza” down there! And the worst part is, I’m not that hairy!
My tolerance was being yanked off my body with each hair she was plucking. I couldn’t bear it any more, and told her to stop. She was almost done… Too bad! I sat up and looked at my glowing red vulva, and decided that a landing strip would do just fine! It’s crooked? Too bad, so sad!
The saddest part was that as I was looking at myself, I couldn’t help to think of this…
I’m sure tomorrow’s surgery will be “easy” compare to this! At least tomorrow I’ll have some drugs in me!
Photos: Bikini & Pain
Way, way to much information. I guess you're really not shy about posting such personal topics on the internet for all to read. Thanks for the update ? Hope all goes well with surgery.
Dear anonymous, sorry you feel that way, and thanks for the thought.
Ouch, that hurt!
I hope the surgery goes well. :)
Good luck with the surgery. I will say a prayer for you.
Wow does that EVER sound painful. Does it still hurt today? I don't even want to think about how itchy that's going to be when it eventually grows back. YOWCH!
Hope all goes well.
Geez, if anon thinks this is TMI then he/she must not read the same blogs that I do. A description of a waxing is tame, mighty tame.
Thinking of you and hoping your surgery goes well (or went well, don't know what time today you are having it).
Good luck with your recovery from surgery.
Arnica is great. Comfrey is also great. As is Calendula. Hypericum (St Johns Wort) is great for wound healing (but not if you are taking anti-depressants).
I just can't help my inner herbalist coming out.
Poor baby. Many warm and painless thoughts are being aimed in your direction. (And underarm deodorant! Trust me on this one.)
Goodness ... I've never been waxed, but I know that just pulling out ONE hair hurts like heck, but pulling them ALL out DOWN THERE ... you're mad !!!
Anyway, thinking about you and your surgery tomorrow ... hope it goes well, and that you are up and about again in no time.
Take care, Meow
Yikes, just reading that made me cross my legs. Ouch. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that I finally got the meme done and I hope everything goes well with the surgery. {{{HUGS}}}
Just a quick note to let you know I've been thinking of you and hope your recovery is progressing well.
I'm sorry, but I think I gave myself a hernia from laughing so much!
Hope the surgery went well. Sending you all of my best thoughts for a quick recovery.
shpprgrl: It did hurt! Surgery went well - thanks!
-r-: Thanks! I'll take all the help I can get!
pg: The burning sensation lasted that day only, except that EVERY time my dressing was changed at the hospital (a few times/day) there was a freshly exposed part that was being glued and unglued - really not pleasant!
trueself: I know what you mean, but hey... Thanks!
hasarder: Recovery will be a slow process. I've been taking my arnica - let that herbalist out, usefull knownledge!
shewearsplaid: Thanks! I remembered your advice, but putting arm pit shit on my incision at the moment doesn't sound too appealing...
meow: Thanks! It was painful and I don't think I'll do that again...
ananke: You did like the boys, shared my crotch pain! ;-) I'll check the meme out! Thanks for doing it!
atm: Glad it made you laugh! Hope you're not hurting too seriously? ;-) Thanks!
Ow! Next time - take 2 or 3 Ibuprofen an hour before you go, and have a drink or two as well. If you really want to be a wimp (which I totally do when it comes to brazilians), get your doctor to prescribe Emla for you - it's a topical anesthetic and makes it MUCH more tolerable.
g_g: Next time? Next time?!? What are you talking about, next time? You've got to be kidding me!!!
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