Our old pooch died, with help, this morning at about 10:30.
She was a sweet little lady, full of attitude, a loyal companion and a loved family member for over 14 years who brought me so much joy during her last five months here. Until her very last breath she fought and showed how feisty she could be and was all through her life.
I will miss ma petite doudoune and her "crazy dog" welcomes. May she rest in peace.
Keep wagging that tail Cathy, until we meet again doudoune. I miss you already... xoxox
I am so very, very sorry for your loss. And I am also so grateful that you gave me the chance to spend a week with her. I will treasure my memories of the "Little Vulture". Sob.
Aaawww, I am so sorry for your loss. It is never easy losing a beloved pet.
Thinking of you.
Take care, Meow
I am so very sorry for your loss, SP. It is very hard losing a treasured friend. {{hugs}}
I'm so sorry for your loss. We went through this three times this year with pets...so I definitely know how heartbreaking it is. She's watching over you, I'm sure.
s.: Thanks S. it's hard to go in the kitchen and not see her do her "vulture" dance around me... She was petite but like you once said "a grande dame"...
meow: Thanks. It is far from being easy...
trueself: Thanks for the hugs, I need them.
3c: She was a great pooch and my heart is hurting... it's rough. Thanks.
Poor pooch. Its sounds like she had a fun filled life. Hang in there, chuck. Thinking of you.
Oh, how sad. I'm so sorry to hear about this. {{{HUGS}}}
elf: Thanks. I can only hope that she was as happy with us as we were with her...
ananke: Thanks.
I am so sorry to hear about your dog. My heart goes out to you and your hubby.
pg: Thanks.
I'm so sorry to hear about Cathy. Sniff sniff...
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