Monday, December 11, 2006

Six Weird Things Me

I should post this in my "All About Lists" section, but I figured most of you don't go in there to see, so...

I’ve been tagged by Trueself and Elf, within two days, to do the same meme.

THE RULES: Each player of this game starts with the “6 weird things about you.” People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose 6 people to be tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave a comment that says, “you are tagged” in their comments and tell them to read your blog.

I don't know if these six things are really weird, but they sure are things that make me "Stinkypaw"!

So, here goes:

  1. Despite being a second-degree black belt in a full contact karate style, I’m afraid of spiders!
  2. I always clear ALL the snow off my car in winter; it has to be completely cleared before driving away.
  3. My left thumb’s knuckle goes in when I do certain movements
  4. Even when I feel my muscles are very tight, my range of motion doesn’t get that restricted – physios do think it is a bit weird
  5. I love to write on paper, not just electronically. Nice writing paper is a real treat for me!
  6. I can talk about death and be very comfortable – it’s part of life!
I tag:

1. 3Carnations, 2. GG, 3. Jan 4. Preppygirl, 5. R, 6. SkippyMom


don't call me MA'AM said...

Wow! We must be polar opposites! My muscles are tight all the time, AND I have no range of motion. hee

And no... I don't think they're really weird at all!

Anonymous said...

#1 - I don't think it's that weird because I'm not sure karate is the best defense (or offense) against spiders.
#2 - I appreciate this one because I hate when I'm following a snow-covered car and a big chunk falls off the roof either splattering my windshield or hitting the road so I have to drive over/through it.

Thanks for playing along.

Purple Pigeon said...

well, theres a good reason why karate is no good against spiders (to it would be satisfying to karate chop one...tho after splatting one i have to do the obligatory shudder) and that is that they are not overt attackers, but sneaky little weasely weasels, and will creep quietly and sneakily til they are RIGHT THERE. And i think they have some kind of ninja serum, which they squirt at you and it renders you unable to move. Coniving, underhand creeps.

I like nice paper too, but i never want to write on it for fear of spoiling it.

Anonymous said...

I am SOOO with ya on the snow thing. That is a pet peeve of mine too. After work I am always still clearing off my car while my the other people who work in the building are long gone. My car needs to be clear!

Working on your tag...

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Those things aren't weird at all !!
Hope you are having a great week.
Take care, Meow

stinkypaw said...

dcmm: My muscles are always tight as well but still able to move (except for my neck!)

ts: I was thinking that I can face any guy, but squirms away from spiders...

It was "interesting", couldn't really think of really weird things!

elf: We both know spiders are evil sneaky little creepy crawlies! LOL about their "ninja serum".

You're going to make one beautiful old lady (one day), the type that saves everything because it's nice and don't want to use her things! ;-)

pg: There's nothing worst than to follow a snow-covered car or worst mini-van or truck, since the top of these are rarely cleared!

meow: Glad to think that I may not be that weird after all... Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Mwuah Girlie-thanks for the tag...I finally finished my weird things...sorry :)...but I had to tell ya - your Christmas posts are cracking me up. My MIL LOVES the angel/tree one and is taking it to Church tomorrow....Go figure...they will all pee themselves laughing!

You rock! Keep me smiling and come tell me how weird I am, would ya?

Hugs and Merry Christmas