Hubby and I were walking somewhere (didn’t recognize the location), it was high and there was some activity going on below. At one point we saw this elephant that was digging a foundation for a house. It had already dug a big whole. Some man came by us and mentioned how he had thought of using an elephant to dig, since they are so strong. From what he was saying I understood that he had wanted to put the elephant down, but since it was still “useful” he would wait to do it. As we are watching this elephant, it walked out of the whole it was digging and walked on this pile of crap and was just stumping all over it. I could see its feet (isn’t it strange, in dreams, how you can “zoom-in and out” on something?), and was really impressed by the strength and flexibility they showed. We kept walking and looking at it, when this “house” (it could have been a shack or something similar) is dropped on the elephant’s back. It collapsed under the weight. I’m freaking out, calling for help and for the crane operator to lift it back up. Nobody seems to be hearing me nor caring. I see this guy on the phone and asked him if he’s calling for help. He looks at me funny and says “No, Duh! I was calling my girlfriend”. I grab the phone out of his hand, call him a few choice words and start dialling when I see Hubby down there, by the elephant which is covered with piles of stuffs. I’m calling his name, he looks up, waves at me and continue to go through the pile of things when he sees the elephant’s trunk, broken (it was very small, looked like a flute from where I was standing, and quite disproportionate), picks it up and puts it in the garbage can in our kitchen! I’m so pissed at him, and start to give him crap: “How could he do nothing to help the elephant and to pick up its trunk and toss it like that, so undisturbed? What is wrong with him?” Somehow (the magic of dreams!) I’m standing next to Hubby, by the elephant when I hear this faint noise, which resembled the sounds the pooch did just before she died, and sees this baby elephant, coming out from under the pile. I then think, “it was a female elephant and she was pregnant”. The baby elephant is covered with blood and yucky stuff (like babies when they’re born), looks at me with its big brown eyes and does a head stand (like they do in circus act)! I say: “Poor thing, even as new born, elephants want to perform”. The same man as before (the owner) comes by me and says something like “I only wanted to kill the elephant, nothing else”This is when I woke up, with a splitting headache and this strange feeling in the pit of my stomach…
A friend gave me 2 books on dreams, symbolism, etc. I'll try to read them. I find it weird that I dream of animals like that, an elephant is not the most "usual" type of animal that one encounters/sees daily, is it? Anyway not here!
Last night I took two little pills (herbal medecine), and I don't know if it was related to those pills, but last night I actually slept 5 hours straight! Woohoo! But the headache, man! All day!
I get some pretty strange dreams too...I'd love to understand what my subconscious is thinking sometimes!
I was going to say the elephant is the Republican party and the house dropped on its back is the US House of Representatives, but then I remembered you're Canadian, so...I got nothin'. Hee.
kim: Wouldn't it be great to truly understand our subconscious! I think we would solve so many things!
lizgwiz: Yikes that would have been a scary dream - to dream about politics!! ;-)
The herbal sleep aid Valerian is known to cause bizarre dreams. If that is what you took, that may explain yours.
s.: I've been taking Relora, and it seems to work well. Last night I slept like 8 hours and no dreams (that I can remember)!
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