Friday, January 05, 2007

Your Friday Smile!


Apple Computer reported today that it has developed computer chips that can store and play music inside women's breasts.

This is considered to be a major breakthrough because women are always complaining about men staring at their breasts and not listening to them.


Hubby said he thought of me when he saw this:

...wonder why?!

Have a good one! One week done in 2007 already!


SkippyMom said...

You never cease to make me snarf coffee out of my nose. Thanks, no really!

Note to self: Do not drink liquids while reading on Fridays [or any day for that matter]

Thank you for the laugh. My nose hurts. ;P

princess slea said...

okay, when i first looked at that comic i thought the fish was UP her skirt and I wondered what that had to do with hot flashes.

stinkypaw said...

sm: Glad to be of service! I'll try to keep it up! Thank you for reading!

p s: That would have been weird, indeed.

Anonymous said...

I can hardly wait for menopause...


stinkypaw said...

Stef: Welcome to the world of the "Opinionated Lurker", don't let this be the first and last! ;-)

Don't worry about menopause, it will come soon enough!