Tuesday, February 06, 2007

I did not stay warm.

We started snowshoeing a few years ago. The first time we ever did it was with some friends. We stayed with them in a little wood cabin, no electricity nor running water, only a small wood stove to keep us warm. The first outing we did was amazing. The snow conditions were great - lots of fluffy snow and not a soul around. We were lost in the woods. I remember thinking how everything was quiet. The only noises we heard were our steps in the crisp snow and our breathing. That time the temperature was quite cold.

Our first night in the cabin was… let’s just say: interesting? I had noticed that our friend was bringing in buckets of snow that he would let melt by the stove. He would then sieved and pour it in a pouch. He did that a few times, and I wondered what he was doing. When asked, he simply replied: “It’s for our shower.” Shower? What shower? Where? Turned out that he hung that pouch outside, by the door of the cabin, and we showered there. It was, with wind, -35°C (which is about -31°F), so it was damn cold! We all took a quick turn and showered, standing on a log. It felt good to get back inside. It gave a whole new meaning to “feeling refreshed”, that’s for sure. Despite that experience, we went back. We loved the outdoors and we’re Canadian after all!

This past weekend we went to play in the snow – 3 days worth of being outside! Our friends who introduced us to snow shoeing came as well. We were a bus full of winter freaks that enjoyed being outside, in cold weather. Well, actually, I’m not really sure I do enjoy being in the cold, it must be an age thing or something. I’m realising that I do enjoy our comfort, so we stayed in a little inn.

We went to the Charlevoix region, in Baie St-Paul area. It is a gorgeous part of our lovely province. They tend to get a lot more snow then we do here in Montreal. It was worth the trip (about 4-5 hours drive). The temperature was just cold enough on Friday.

We had a 4 hours outing in Sentier des Caps. The snow conditions on the trails weren’t that good, but we got off the trails and found some untouched, fluffy white snow! Paradise!

And the view on top of that mountain! Breathtaking! ...and I'm not talking about the climb to get there!

This picture was taken as we arrived on top of the trail, at "Le Ligouri" refuge. The view of the St-Laurence River, partially covered in ice, the different shades of blues, between the sky, the water, and the snow covered trees, made that spot a really nice location.

The second day, we went to Mont Grand-Fonds. Again the trail was hard, but we found some soft, wild stuff. We made our way through the thick forest. At some point, our friend mentioned that he could hear water gurgling under the snow, we were crossing a little creek. His girlfriend went across, and then I put one foot and heard this loud crack! I fell through the ice.

Let me tell you that when I hit the water I must of looked like a cat who just hit water – I wanted out! Thankfully enough it was a narrow creek and not too deep. I did manage to get out of it, unarmed but most importantly dry!

My boots are REALLY water-resistant as well as my pants. I wasn’t wet. I was a little sore, the ice was just thick enough to hurt, and I have a few bruises and a little scratch on my nose, but nothing serious – more scare than harm! That day our outing was a bit shorter, my body was talking to me so I listened. After all, it’s only been a little more than 3 months since my operation!

Sunday on our way back to town, we also had a little outing, near Quebec City - very little for us – about 1 hour, my body wasn’t up to it and it was friggin’ cold! When we arrived on the site, we went to see the Ice Hotel What a sight! If you’re even in the area, it’s worth it. It’s pretty neat what they did and how well it’s made. Their web site is worth a click or two, check it out.

Here's a picture taken inside the hotel at the "N'Ice Bar". We ordered some shooters, "-52" (their version of B52’s shooters) in ice cubes. It was so cold in there that I didn't feel the effect of the alcohol at all... The whole time we were in there visiting I did not get one hot flash! Go figure! Everything is made of ice and snow - some people are really creative.

So, that was basically our weekend - outside, in the snow, in good companie almost felt like a little vacation except for the "cold" part!


lizgwiz said...

I could handle the cold part, as long as I didn't have to drive on snow or ice. That's what I hate most about winter! That Ice Hotel looks incredible.

Jason Stockl said...

I've always been amazed by the ice hotel, and I must admit I never really understood how it's done...

I'm glad you guys had a nice (albeit, cold) time in our belle province. Feels good to get away a bit from our daily routines, doesn't it?

don't call me MA'AM said...

I'm sorry... I couldn't get past the part where you SHOWERED IN -35C WEATHER!!! Are you serious??!!?

Love the N'Ice Bar!!

-R- said...

That picture looking down at the cabin is gorgeous, but the ice shower sounds terrifying! =)

Purple Pigeon said...

Ha, and there was you telling me that canadians arent all about the snowy log cabins! It sounds fantastic, tho i agree, that shower sounds scary!

PreppyGirl said...

That ice Hotel looks friggin' awesome! - But it's hard to imagine sleeping in there. Amazing that you could keep warm enough to sleep but the whole place wouldn't melt! Very cool. Sounds like an awesome trip. I'm jealous.

Kim said...

snowshoeing sounds like fun...something I'd like to try someday.

being Canadian, I'm used to cold winters too...but an outdoor shower in -35 degree weather...I'm not that crazy!!!

glad you're ok after falling through the ice...

Anonymous said...

I've never been snowshoeing, but then I'm not around much snow. Thanks for sharing your adventure. Now the ice hotel...sounds really COOL in more ways than one. ;)

stinkypaw said...

lizgwiz: Winter driving sucks - I totally agree! The hotel was worth seeing.

j67: It's pretty cool and they have guided tours which explain how they did it, like the type of water they used, etc. I did feel great to get out of the city and "play" outside!

dcmm: We did shower outside, using melted snow and YES it was freakin' cold! The N'Ice Bar was really cool (no joke!) ;-)

-r-: Hubby took that picture. The shower was a quick one, not a leisurely one, that's for sure!

elf: We have other snowy things as well - not many Canadians volontarly "experience" the log cabin let me tell you!

pg: The hotel was too cold, actually humidity was getting through our clothing. Actually our camera froze in the Ice Hotel! It was a fun weekend!

kim: Snowshoeing is great 'cause all you really need is snow - it's easy and there's no technical skills required. I'm just really happy I didn't get wet 'cause the walk back (over 1 hour) would have been really cold!

shopper: The whole weekend was cool in more ways than one!

princess slea said...

i'm glad you had a good time.
me + vacation centered on ice and snow = not happening.

i am a total wuss.

stinkypaw said...

princess: I did despite the cold and snow or because of it - I think if dressed properly it can be fun!