Thursday, July 26, 2007

Today was a good day!

I knew that today was going to be a good day due to the delivery of our furniture, i.e. dining & bedroom sets.

Before lunch the door bell rang and it was a Canada Post delivery! My Harry Potter managed to find its way to me! Yippee!! I started reading it almost right then and there! What a nice unexpected delivery!

Then at 12:30 our new dining room set was delivered and installed.

I thought I'd show you the different step we've gone through in the past month or so. Here's what our living/dining area looked like the day we moved in - June 28th.

Here's the dining room:

And our bedroom:

Here's how things have been looking, with some boxes unpacked and lived in a little more, for our dining area:

And the bedroom: Notice Tobi doing the chicken at the foot of the mattress? I think that because it was at his height he thought this was his new bed or something... We were living in our suitcases and store-away boxes... the joy!

Now, I took these a few moments ago after all delivery men left me with styrofoam bits everywhere to pick up, but with beautiful furniture as well!

Our new dining area: Notice there's a little less boxes, plus there one picture hung! Woohoo!

Here's a better view of the set as such - I love it! I never thought I would go for the "woodsy" look, but everything we own now is "woodsy"... must be a growing up thing...

Our new bedroom:
We're missing a night table, I returned it because it was scratched. At the price we paid I want a new one! The pictures don't do justice to the furniture. Look at Tobi exploring under the new bed...

As of yesterday afternoon, we are officially owners of this place. All papers are signed and the new mortgage kicks in.

Ok now that's you've seen what made my day, I need to go unpack more boxes and fill up those new drawers that have this lovely "new furniture smell"... aaahhh... that aroma... huuumm...


Anonymous said...

I just love it !!! We really can't wait to see the new place in person. See you soon...Mousse & Mike

Purple Pigeon said...

wow, it looks really good. Glad to see ur cat is taking charge of the bed early on lol!

PreppyGirl said...

Wow, NICE! And it looks like it's on the first floor - very nice! Maybe someday I'll get to see it too!

Love your dining room set and bedroom set. Lucky you!

stinkypaw said...

mousse: Thank you! We'll get together soon, promise!

pigeon: Thanks! Actually today I saw him twice on our pillows, which he had never really done before. That won't work, he can have the rest of the bed but not our pillows!

pg: Thanks! It is on the first floor. I wanted it all on one floor and we almost manage to get than (we still have one room in the basement). It would be really cool if you could make your way down (up?!) here - maybe one day.

Attila the Mom said...

wow! Looks gorgeous!

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Tobi is loving the mess... in true cat fashion!!

stinkypaw said...

atm: Thanks Attila!

steph: I don't know if he's enjoying the mess, but he sure likes to explore around the new pad!

Kim said...

the new place is looking great...and I love the dining room set!

stinkypaw said...

kim: Thanks Kim! I'm loving it too!