I was going to do the tag that Wreckless gave me, but I don’t really feel like it because I’m pissed!
You see, (sorry Pigeon, but I have to name the unmentionable) in February I pre-ordered my copy of Harry Potter from Amazon. Then we put our house up for sale in March, and then we sold. I did try to change the delivery address to our new place, but because it was a new construction the system wasn’t recognizing the postal code. I figured that, at worst, since we’ve done a change of address with Canada Post that they would manage to deliver the book at our new place. WRONG! Thank you for playing! Next!
Saturday, I was impatiently awaiting my book. Nothing came. I wanted to call the new owners in Stinky Pierrefonds to see if they received it by mistake, but Hubby kept saying to be patient. Yesterday morning I figured I would call Canada Post to find out what was happening. After waiting on the line for at least 20 min. I was told that my parcel was at a post office near our old house, and that they don’t redirect parcels anyway. The address change is only valid for letters and magazines. WTF? Why wasn’t informed of this when I requested the service?
Last night, Hubby and I made our way to the Waste Island and went to the little postal counter where packages for us would have been delivered in the past. That counter is located inside a convenience store. We get there, and there’s a note stuck to the door that the clerk would be back in 20 min. So we wait. When he showed up, that kid looked like life chewed him up and spat him out. Unreal. I walked in behind him and asked if he could help me. The empty look on his face made me want to smack him silly. He looked for a few minutes and then said “Uuuh, I don’t think we have it”. I went back to the car where Hubby was not a happy camper. I then decided to go to our old house and ask the new owners if they had received anything. Hubby suggested calling first. I did. After trying to explain the situation that I’m looking for either the book or the card left by the postman to get the parcel, I was ready to hit someone. (You see the new owners don’t really speak English nor French, so communicating with them isn’t easy at all.) We even went to another location (postal counter), just to be sure. Nothing to be found.
This morning I took a few big breaths and decided to call Canada Post again. I did. 3 times.

Now, can you say that this Muggle is ready for some magic?!
Wow, that's confusing and probably frustrating as well. Hopefully everything works out okay.
thinker: I'm not holding my breath... but we'll see!
Oh, that's AWFUL! I hope you're able to find it soon. Keeping my fingers (and toes) crossed for you. :-)
i dont want to chuckle with glee over your harry potter based frustration, but maybe it is trying to tell you that you shouldnt read this book, nor should you have read the others! shame!
On a more serious, sympathetic note, I hate the postal system. Imwaiting for two packages from ebay, both of which may or may not have actually been sent. I've been waiting for one for about ten weeks now (from austraila, but still...)
Hang in there, hopefully it will turn up eventually (even though you shouldnt read it, it poisons the mind *fights urge to blurt out the oh-so-important ending....*)
I could just tell you how the entire book goes, and then you wouldn't have to wait anymore! ;-)
I kid! I kid!
ananke: I have a feeling that they'll return it to Amazon and then re-ship it. Never pre-ordering like that again!
pigeon: *Bowing my head in shame* I know, I know... it's the price I have to pay...
The postal service for sending you something it the worst so far! It's ridiculous how long it takes to get to you. And then your postal people who keep the goods instead of delivering it - that's just plain bad!
...and thank you for not blurting out ;-)
dcmm: Thanks, but I'd rather wait to read it myself, but I'm sure that by the time I get it I will have learnt something rather... oh well...
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