I'm not going to talk again about the kitchen, nor the other issues until they are actually done. It could take a while before I post anything about that, but the site manager told Hubby they (the handy
morons workmen) are supposed to be here first thing this morning, to fix our floor (which was suppoed to be done last week, but they had
forgotten), to re-do the baseboard (without nailing through
any pipe), to re-do the joints (plaster) , to sand and then re-paint! Oh yeah, and install our linen closet door. Finally! But I'm not holding my breath for some reason... Don't know why. Argh!
This is what the outside of our place looked like when we moved in:

Notice all the junk, and lovely port-a-potty? The brick wall was done shortly after, at least. The port-a-potty was moved last Monday actually. When we told people we were living on a construction site we weren't kidding! It was.
Within the last few days some progress was made in that area (at least!). Here's what our front entrance looks like:

Better wouldn't you say? Today they painted the railing. It's getting there... slowly... very slowly *sigh*
The downside to buying off the plan! I hope you've both settled in apart from all this (though I should just keep reading the archives to find out what's been going on since I've been gone).
Well, at least the outside is looking nice. Hope the inside problems gets fixed soon. And how can they "forget" to fix your floor? Or nail through a pipe? Yikes.
Very very nice!
hang in there.
You will appreciate it so much when all is said and done.
have as much patience as you can and destress together-laugh when at all possible
Where is all this advice coming from? Yikes-i'll shut up now.
Much better! And soon the inside will be lovely, as well. Can't wait to see pictures of the "finished" product. I just hope you're not in the corner of each picture, strapped into a straitjacket, having been driven completely nuts!
Wow! That is quite a transformation! Hope all is settled soon.
pretty, just seeing the outside come together must feel so much better coming home now.
hasarder: Welcome back girl! Lots of things happened since you left. Construction is just a mess no matter if one buys new, old, repaired, a mess I tell you! Unless you can do it yourself, and even then I'm not really sure it's that much better!
ananke: Thanks!
wreckless: Yeah please, don't need more stinkin' advice! ;-)
lizgwiz: The inside isn't bad, it's just not completed, that's all. I might have developped a little twitch since we started this "adventure".
monkey: Hoping for the same over here!
princess: It does, and it's tracking so much less crap inside as well.
Wow! It went from gross to glam! ;) Seriously...it looks very nice. I know you're proud to call it home.
shopper: I am proud - thanks!
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