Thursday, August 23, 2007

Quick update about today's work

The floor guy did remember to show up today. He was here for part of the day. The basement looked like a mess, wood bits and saw dust everywhere. He did manage to get the scratched boards out and replaced them with new ones. He did have some problems getting some of them back in... I don't think it looks that good, but Hubby wanted it done, and now it is done! So now Tobi's litter can go there! Huuzah!

Then two carpenters (one of which was the same guy who nailed through the pipe) showed up, they redid a baseboard because I didn't like the way he had done it previously. They were in the process of installing the linen closet door, when one of them measured it and guess what? The freakin' door is 20" when the opening is 24"!!! So... no door yet again!

Then the plumber fixed the pipe outside on our deck, since it was hanging lose. What a racket that made. He had to drill through the bricks.

And, I'm sitting here trying to work while this is all going on! yeah right!

Then the plaster guy showed up and he fixed the hole in the kitchen, and sanded the other areas (next to the tub, the ceiling of the stairs going down, the office's closet) - yet another messy job!

Each time one of these guys come by I clean up after them. I'm getting tired of this game we're playing... I want it to be over!!! Soon, I know...

Oh how I wish I could just solve whatever obstacles I face this easily!


Purple Pigeon said...

Crikey, sounds like its been an absolute mad house! I go away for two minutes and all hell breaks loose! Those builders of yours really need a kick up the arse (or balls, if you are feeling particularly pissed off). Nailing through your pipe? Jesus christ!

Your front is looking very good though, looks like a totaly different place to the first pic.

I hope you get it all sorted before you go mad, murder a builder with his own toolbelt and then prank call the company with cackling laughter. Thats a bad road.

stinkypaw said...

pigeon: Mad you say? BEYOND mad!! You got that right! It's funny what a little gras and a few bushes can do, isn't it?!

lizgwiz said...

I think you're holding on to your sanity better than I would be. I HATE having workers in my house. I'm always afraid they'll let a cat out or something. (That actually happened once--now I never EVER leave workers unsupervised.)

stinkypaw said...

lizgwiz: Glad you think so, even if I feel I'm about to crack at any moment! ;-)

I also hate having workers in our house, especially the type that won't remove their boots on our new floors!!! Gaarrr!

Tobi is too much of a pussy - he hides when he hears noises that are not "our own"... which is a good thing!