The reason I'm asking is because there's a local artist that lives in our new building.
I remember the day we were at the sales office choosing our tiles, etc. when I saw a list pinned on a board with the expected delivery dates of each unit. I looked at it since I wanted to see if our condo was on that list, and came across the name of that “known” person. I got all excited to think that he would actually be a neighbour.
Last night when I went to bed I used my MP3 player and at some point his album came on. I thought “How strange, the guy singing this actually lives upstairs from me.”
Since I’ve known that he lives there I’ve been hoping to see him.

He’s cute (don't you think so?) and he seems to be a nice guy (from what I’ve seen on TV or read about him). Plus, I’m also curious to see how his condo looks, because after all, he lives in the same building we do. I know it’s way bigger than ours, plus he has a rooftop terrace, but I'd like to know what other extras people chose when they purchased their condo... did they go for the melamine or wood cabinet, granit counter?
What do you think? Is it more a "girl thing"? I’m asking because whenever we walk by his place I peek in that direction, and Hubby always says “Would you…” and keeps on walking. I know I’ve already written this before, but I do love to walk at night and peep in people’s houses. I also so know I’m not the only one who does that (right Preppygirl?!).
So am I a freak of nature or simply a curious person?
But you must admit, he's a cutie! Isn't he? I think so!
I'll have to admit, I don't know who he is but I went to his MySpace page and he sounds GREAT. Maybe you can become friends then he'll invite you guys over!
I can look out my living room window and see the house of a very famous singer's brother. Not really the same thing eh?
Ah yes, I am SOOOO guilty of peeking in windows. I'm just so curious! Does that make me a voyeur?
I've never peeped in windows but I have used my binoculars to spy on my neighbors in their yards. They're not powerful enough to see inside their windows plus most of them keep the blinds closed. Damn. ;-)
I don't know him but I would happily share an elevator with him. He probably smells really nice. :)
I don't spy on my neighbors. They spy on me.
I love looking in lighted windows at night. I don't want to see people, though. It ruins it for me if I see people. I just want to see how they've decorated. It's like looking at little stage sets.
And yes, if I found out I was living near an artist I admire, I'd be hoping like heck that I'd "accidentally" bump into him!
Um, who is he? Dish, girl!
pg: You manage to find him, good for you, not just a voyeur but a digger as well! He does sound great, especially as I'm falling asleep to his music. A girlfriend of mine actually saw him tonight as she was waiting for me outside!
You must tell me who that very famous singer is! Even if it's not quite the same, I think it's still fun - he might show up to visit his brother!
ananke: I don't hide to do it, I just walk around and "look in", no binoculars just my eyes & curiosity! ;-)
shopper: Funny you say that, that's one thing I'm so very sensitive to - their smell!
I'm not spying on him, I just keep an eye out and wonder... ;-)
lizgwiz: That's exactly how & why I do it - to get inspiration if you will!
Maybe I'll get to see him and talk to him soon. I actually left a note on his truck yesterday asking him not to block my garage, not knowing it was him... but my girlfriend saw him leave with it. And to think that Hubby wanted to have it towed! Imagine that!
c_t_w: His name is Dany Bédar, check out his myspace: http://www.myspace.com/dany_bedar
He was one of my clients when I worked for the bank! So you're neighbors now??
steph: Yes madame! Funny how we, in some twisted way, know the same people... ;-)
He looks pretty cute. And you are not the only one who is curious about the insides of other's homes and lives ... I think it is a fairly common thing !! I guess that's why TV reality shows like Big Brother are so popular !!
Take care, Meow
Curious, in every sense of the word! Lol, just kidding. Ish
anyhoo, I like spying into peoples houses, just cuz im nosy. Tho i go to great lengths to make sure no one can peer into our living room or bedroom....they are very nosy people!
meow: He is cute and so true about TV reality!
pigeon: You have no idea how curious I can be, in every sense! ;-)
I guess I'm nosy too, and like you I keep my blinds closed, hate it when people look inside! He!
He is very cute.
Sneak a peek!!!
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