Last week I read this on Trueself’s blog:
Name 3 bloggers of the same sex you’d like to have drinks with. (1) Stinkypaw because she was the first to comment on this blog and has a great moral compass.
I was surprised (and happy!) to see my name there. I’m always amazed when someone, a complete stranger, I’ve never met says something so nice about me. Yes, like Liz told me today, we get to know the people we read through their blog, but even then...
We had dinner with friends that we don’t see that often due to life’s crazy rhythm. While they were visiting our new dig, she mentioned how much I’ve changed. She seems to think that I was more grounded, not as easily shaken by daily stupidities (like all the issues with the builder). She asked if it was meditation. I don’t know. I have been working on myself, trying to think more before doing something, to evaluate better a situation and mostly to let things slide more often. There is enough crap holding us down, I don’t need to hold on to things. I choose my battle if you wish. Or like a friend told me Saturday, I’m getting older…
A friend from meditation told me last night that she felt that I had lost a certain sadness since I joined the class. It was quite perceptive of her. But before she actually said it I’ve never really thought of it.

Update: I received an interesting email that was perfect for my other blog, check it out - so appropriate today!
You don't feeling like popping people anymore??? I'm going to have to start taking a meditation class. I feel like doing that all the time!!!! ;-)
Maybe meditation would save my forehead. You know... that one I slam against my desk at work about 90 times a day.
ananke: Oh I still do, but maybe not as often! But I still do! Trust me on that one! ;-)
dcmm: Maybe it would, it sure helped mine! ;-)
I do think we learn how to handle stress better as we age, if we're smart. Of course, there are times when someone still has to be the bitch. ;)
lizgwiz: of course! ;-)
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