Government Contract Bid, is this only in Canada?
Three contractors are bidding to fix a broken fence at 24 Sussex Drive, Ottawa, Ontario ( the Prime Minister's Governments paid for Residence): one from Alberta, another from Newfoundland, and the third from Quebec.
They go with a government official to examine the fence.
The Albertan contractor takes out a tape measure and does some measuring.
He then works out some figures with a pencil. "Well", he says, "I figure the job will run about $900: $400 for materials, $400 for my crew, and $100 profit for me".
The Newfie contractor also does some measuring and figuring, then says, "I can do this job for $700: $300 for materials, $300 for my crew, and $100 profit for me".
The Quebec contractor doesn't measure or figure, but leans over to the official and
whispers, "$2,700".
The government official, incredulous, says, "You didn't even measure like the other guys! How did you come up with such a high figure?"
The Quebec contractor whispers back, "$1,000 for me, $1,000 for you, and we hire the Newfie!
I just realised that we passed a milestone on Wednesday, Nov. 14th @ 6:44pm (local time)...

"Stories 2 Tell" has had
OVER 15,000*
Unique Visitors
since June 24th, 2006!
Thank YOU for being one of them!
*and it was Purple Pigeon
Image: Woo
WooHoo!! Woots!! Hooray!!! How do you track your hits?
Impressive stat! Have a great weekend and thanks for adding me to your birthday list!
Wow~ that's a lot of visitors, I'm glad to be one of them!
marius: I use Site Meter's ( http://www.sitemeter.com/), free version of their software. Check 'em out!
wreckless: Thanks and it was my pleasure to add you, if I knew the date, I added it. Hope that's ok?!
parisukat: Thanks and glad to have you on board as well!
I suspect that your contract bid story is true in many cases. In the U.S., the gov't doesn't even bother with bidding any more.
15,000 visitors—pretty amazing, when you realize this is a hobby (isn't it??). Congrats.
And I'm sorry you didn't know I was back—I thought you knew when I made a comment a while back. I love your template.
15000th vistor coming through! Please! Don't! Get Up.
Woo for you! Just think of all the people that have read your words of wisdom and chucklesome wit.
And glad to see you are keeping up wit da MoFo (gangsta speak, you see). Its over half way now!
Woohoo! Glad to be one of the 15,000 too, especially on Fridays...I know, without doubt I will always have [at least] one laugh out loud moment on Friday...just come see you.
Again you didn't fail me. The Newfie joke? That is so the D.C. government here in the states...y'know...the CAPITAL of the U.S.? Corrupt mo'fo's all the way....I laughed and will be appropriating that joke for the states...giggle....thanks again!
charlie: Glad to count you amount the visitors. At times I did check on your profile but didn't see a blog, and yesterday saw a comment you left somewhere and followed it to your new blog. Happy to see you back! Thanks re. the template.
pigeon: The Mofo is slow if you ask me, but at least I have visitors like you, the 15,000 One!
skippie: Glad you drop by when you can and those bids are the same everywhere, I'm pretty sure!
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