Sunday was a little different. It started with the cable guy coming in at around 10am. Yes, a cable guy on a Sunday. Can you believe that after more than six months we finally have cable? It’s almost making me dizzy to flick the channels! Then some friends came by, despite the snowstorm, because we woke up to another snowstorm! Not just a few flakes, noooo, I’m talking lots of snow!! All day. Non-stop. What we had last week was not much compared to what is falling now. Our friends were courageous enough the brave it all and came by to spend some time with us. I needed help with something and my girlfriend came to my rescue. She’s such a good friend. We also had dinner plans with other friends but those got cancelled. Today was a day for some serious cocooning. That’s what we did, for part of the afternoon. We watched some television and rested.
At 9pm I asked Hubby if he wanted to go for a walk. We dressed up like we do when we snowshoe and walked around our neighbourhood. I had brought our camera and took a few shots. They're not the best, because it was cold and didn't have a tripod or anything like that. The city felt so different, and Old Montreal was completely empty. We walked for 90 minutes. It wasn’t the warmest night, despite the snow, because of the wind. Walking in that much snow was almost like running in water, or in the sand… not the easiest, but I just loved it!

This was Place Jacques-Cartier, corner of St-Paul St. There's a Nativity scene that was almost all under snow.
This is l'Église Notre-Dame, on Notre-Same St., right in the center of Old Montreal. A beautiful church, where Céline Dion got married and had her son baptised at...
We made our way to Chinatown, which was also empty and eerier than usual... I saw this cat in a window, and thought it was dressed for the occasion... Don't you think?
As we made our way back, on Notre-Dame St., I couldn't help to feel sorry for all those poor souls who will have to be digging their cars out tomorrow morning. Look at the snow banks, some cars are barely visible...
And finally, as we were almost home, I asked Hubby to take this last shot. This is our street (as seen from the Notre-Dame overpass)...

At least we will have a White Christmas!
Wow! That's a lot of snow. Isn't it amazing how something can be so beautiful, yet so annoying at the same time. Good luck with the shovelling, and remember lift with your knees, not your back.
I love winter and snow.
One thing that I love is that communal sense you get with "experiencing" it with others.
Walking with someone who shares the cold and beauty
Helping another poor soul to clear his car
I could go on, but you know what I mean.
Wow, you guys got tons of snow! All we got was freezing rain that turned to snow then back to freezing rain and finally to regular rain. And then some more snow (not much) the next day. Your poor car always gets buried, doesn't it? But I have to admit that all that snow looks great. Unless you have to shovel your car out. ;-)
That snow is gorgeous. Since, you know, it's in YOUR town, and not MINE. ;)
Thanks for sharing the GREAT photos! Montreal is such a beautiful city. Be careful when you dig yourself out, and good luck finding a place to put the snow you dig! ;-)
That looks so beautiful! I would so love to see snow like that at least once in my life.
marius: That's exactly what I think everytime I look at my cat, my husband, and other people's kids... Beautiful yet annoying! ;-)
wreckless: Oh yes I do! I pushed a neighbour out of a snow bank this morning...
ananke: I prefer snow to all that crap you've got. At least it does look good!
lizgwiz: Thanks! And we have power, internet AND cable!
tammie: Thanks, I'm rediscovering our city and enjoying it very much!
hasarder: It was fun last night to be out. This morning not so much... but today was a beautiful sunny day! It is worth seeing "live".
How many inches do you have on the ground now?
monkey: Yesterday over 12.52 inches came down, and the week before almost that much came down as well. It has been many years since I remember seeing this much snow in town.
My giddy aunt, so much snow!! Makes our National chaos at about a centemetre look a bit puny.
Where, pray tell are all you snowmen, hmmmmm? *taps foot expectantly*
Hmmm, that should have been ''where are all your snowmen?'' My punctuation went AWOL!
pigeon: I still knew what you meant... I left the snowmen in bits... for now! ;-)
Wow, great photos. I think I miss snow days a little. We occasionally get hurricane days, but it's not the same. No playing outside and having snowball fights. I'm glad however that I haven't had to shovel snow in a few years now and I hope that trend continues.
I think those are wonderful pictures, and it's nice to see Montreal--I haven't been there since my teens, and it's a slice of Europe.
I haven't seen snow in eleven years and, believe me, it gets very boring. And Martha wouldn't complain if she had to shovel . . .
I had a great day on Saturday with you and my Lovely Godfather!!!
Interesting how everyone finds the snow so charming! I don't feel as excited... Buy a good shovel, it's going to be a long winter!
nicotine: I think I'll stick with snow versus huricane for now... there is fun to be had in snow, that's for sure!
charlie: Thanks Charlie! You should plan a trip back, we're not that far and Martha would have a blast now, lots of snow, that's for sure!
stef: It was great spending time with you and it's always "greener" (or whiter in this case) somewhere else...
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