How come I cannot play only one game on the Wii? I always have to play "just one more"... strange, no?
Funny how it is that when I received an email asking me a question or more, I do answer it. I wonder why email systems or messages don’t work the same for everyone? Is it something my geeky husband programmed in my computer? I wonder...
Everywhere you look, listen they are talking about vaccines, should we or shouldn’t we get it? Will they have enough or will they run out? … and yet, after the day I’ve had all I have to say there is no vaccine against stupidity! Too bad, so sad.
Have I told you how great my husband is? He is! Tonight he came with me, and I got this new winter jacket, in black, with the fur! It’s gorgeous and soooo warm!

I won’t say I’m looking forward to our cold weather, but I’ll be ready for it! I have the greatest husband! This is to be my “early” birthday gift, “early” Christmas gift, and “early” Valentine Day gift… but it doesn’t matter, I’m happy! Talk about shopping therapy!
P.S.: That's not me in the picture, it's from the cie's catalogue...
Picture: Kanuk
Love the new jacket, and those boots rock!
i've always wondered about the "excuse me" one and the "stupidity vaccine" LOL...
and hey lovely jacket...that reminds me, i've to go get myself one winter jacket soon...
I agree with all of your "wonderings," and I think that's a super-nice jacket. If Martha sees it she'll want one for the frozen food aisles in the grocery store.
The "excuse me" bit really irks me sometimes. Here in New Jersey you also get those strange what's-wrong-with-you looks when you open doors for people, say "thank you" or answer a thank you with "you're welcome".
If you're not very good at the game and it ends after 5 minutes of play, of course you're going to play again! If you pwned the game on the other hand, well, it's because you rawk.
Great coat!!!
I'm not sure if anyone has given me attitude after an "excuse me," but recently there was a woman in the grocery store who thought I was. She very sweetly said, "can I get through, please?" and even though there was more than enough room for her, I still moved my cart up against the shelves just in case. Then she stared at me and not very sweetly said, "can I get through, please?" And I'm looking at the amount of space she has and she could have driven a truck down that aisle. So I said, "I think you can." At which point, she said, "NEVER MIND I WILL JUST GO THE OTHER WAY!" whipped her cart around and stomped off muttering loudly to herself in a particularly mental patient-like fashion. I would be lying if I said it wasn't entertaining.
Every single day I wonder why there isn't a vaccine for stupidity!! :)
Somewhere...: Thanks, but I don't have those boots.
Titaxy: I'd love to be able to forget I'd need a winter jacket, it's too cold for me to forget, even if I wanted to.
Charlie: Martha would be nice and toasty in that jacket for sure!
Meg: Manners are on the endangered list, for sure!
Barb: I'm not that good, but I think I might be addicted, already! :-/
flurrious: You atttitude? Never! I don't associate the two of you at all! You were obviously taking up to much space on HER planet! ;-)
LeeAnn: That vaccine they would REALLY run out of!
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