Monday, October 29, 2012

Nag, nag, nag...

I have a feeling I haven't been posting very positive things lately... I'm not a negative person, I'm just a little sarcastic and plenty realistic. I do realize it is not a winning combo for most. It works for me.
I'm not trying to be a downer, I'm quite cheerful (most days), but I have this tendency to call things as I see it.  I don't sugar coat either.  I've tried and whenever I did I felt like a cheater.  I didn't like that feeling.

Last week, while enjoying a very rich hot chocolate with a friend, she made a point of telling me that I should try being a nicer person at times, or to at least show a little more compassion or empathy.  It is such an effort, just the thought of it makes me feel like when my mother would tell do to do a chore I really hated... I feel like whining and dragging my feet.

I ask you this, how does one manage to pretend to care for what's happening around them, when one feels like society in general is going down the drain?  Parents often don't care about their kids, or should I say, care enough to actually give their kids the discipline they need in order to become responsible adults.  Government play parent with the people, by telling us what one should think, do and say in many aspects of our lives.  We've become so use to this that we seldom think for ourselves.  We've lost all sense of respect of oneself and of others. Where's our pride?  At times, I truly wonder...

1 comment:

ditzymoi said...

I find it harder and harder to be optimistic and to find the glass "half full" or walk on the "sunny side of the street." It's overwhelming to look at society as a whole and find the good. I am trying though, by focusing on some positives and little random acts of kindness for people who are struggling and least expect it, it makes me feel like I'm making someones day a little easier and puts a smile on both our faces :)