As I'm writing this I feel like crap, not because I am sick, but because I feel bad, for more than one reasons actually... You see, I've been working on that husband on mine for a while now, chirping in his ears that we should think about changing our car. We were the (proud) owner of a Honda Civic that we bought in 2010 a recup from an end of lease that was already five years old. When we got it, purchased following a car accident I had (while stopped at a red light some truck rammed into me, while he was on his phone planning his vacation). We were going away on vacation, and decided to get a car, not a new one, temporarily, until we decided what we wanted. That "for now" car became our car for the past ten years. It served us very well. Honda were/are good reliable cars, but like any car of ten+ years, rust was starting to show, it had a hole (made from a hitch of a pickup who backed into it one winter) right in the center of the front bumper, the doors would not stay open, the rear passenger left side window did not go down anymore, the speedometer wasn't indicating our speed at times (and according to the husband, more and more often), the AC wasn't as cold as it used to be, plus last January, while driving on Ste-Catherine downtown, some guy slowly "scraped" our car while he was changing lane. Since it was night, and darn cold, it looked like he had peeled off some dirt. When we looked at the car in daylight there was a little more damage, but since it was an old car, we didn't care too much. Following that though, it had loosen the left part of the front bumper and one day while Hubby was going in to work, a piece of plastic flew off the car, exposing the window washing container completely. Something had to be done, so I did a tape job on it!
It didn't look that bad, right? Granted we did not fit in our neighborhood where most people are driving Audi, Mercedes, BMW, etc, so our tape job was clashing to say the least, but it still got us from point A to point B. Hubby had been researching some models, asking friends, etc. and we agreed that the Kia Forte pleased us both. It was in our price range (cheap! not really) and offered good warranty. We made our way to our dealer, in Laval, and after four (long) hours, we had signed for a brand new car. They (offensively, almost!) offered us $350 for our old Civic. Yes we could have tried to sell it ourselves for more, but didn't want the hassle.
We picked it up Wednesday evening. Hubby drove it home. Thursday he drove me to the eye doctor, because I have another lids (eye lashes) infection, and Saturday we decided to go for a little drive, and visit some friends in the Waste Island. (On a side note, I will say that it was really the first people we've visited since this Covid nightmare started and it felt somewhat strange at first, but also nice to catch up with friends, and talk with someone other than my husband. I also realized that I'm far from ready to go back to malls or even restaurants, call my pussy, I don't care. I haven't been "secluding" for months to go into a group or a crowd, just to be social. Nope. Not yet. Side note closed.)
We visited our friends, and actually stayed over for dinner. A pleasant afternoon was had by all. Since Hubby had been drinking I was to drive home, my first time driving our new car. I put it in drive, and I started pulling out of the driveway when I heard my girlfriend yelling "Stop, Stop!" I had clipped a little cement triangle that was along the road... Long story short, and to spare you the drama, I scratched the car. Let's just say that there haven't been much conversation in this house today. We've been on different floors most of the day, and earlier we went out together to look at the damages... I scrapped the bottom of the door from the driver to back door it seems. I feel like shit about it, it was my bad. I didn't know (and still don't) the feel, size of this car, and I put on its first scratch.
I really feel terrible about it all, and to see Hubby this upset about it doesn't help at all how I'm feeling... I didn't do it on purpose, and like Hubby said, I have really bad juju with new cars, or so it seems. I have to let this go and get over it. But it was brand spanking new!! Within minutes of me driving it!!!

First, congratulations on the new car! Second, condolences on the new scratch. I bought a new car last year, and I haven't driven it much (I don't drive much normally, and with the lockdown, I pretty much just drive it once a week to the grocery store now) so I've only very recently gotten used to driving something so much bigger than my previous car. I'm sure I've annoyed the heck out of people waiting for me to pull into or out of a parking space since I'm always positive I'm about to hit something so I move at roughly 0.01 mph.
Anyway, a disaster is normal with a new car. I recently picked up a nail in the sidewall and had to replace my new tire with a new new tire. The car I had before this one: rear-ended four months after I took it off the showroom floor. But you'll be fine. You'll get the scratch fixed and the new car smell will help you to forget.
flurrious: Well look at that, so happy to read you! I usually do most of the driving, since the husband used public or biked to work, now with confinement, he's home and does most of the errands (groceries and such). My first reflex on Sat. was to think: "Well, I got that first scratch out of the way", but after seeing it, I felt and still do, really bad. Within the first 5 min. I drove the darn thing! The new car smell sure is nice though! Take care!
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