There are times in life where I'm looking for that sign that says: "Bang Head Here", because when the shit starts to rise, the smell gets to be too fucking much. Things are coasting, generally speaking, and then one day we get a call informing us of a "family situation". Oh, it's nothing dramatic, just a fucking ridiculous matter that is taking over the little free time we had in our lives. FYI, this is going to be a very selfish post. We are selfish, both of us, of our time. We chose not to have kids because we wanted time for ourselves, we didn't want to explain things over and over until it would be understood. We are both independent, we like being together but we also enjoy our time alone. Does that mean we are antisocial? It does not. Does this mean we are bad people? I don't think so. Does it mean we are not nice? It does at times!
As we all know, I have no fuse. I have a really hard time supporting stupidity, especially from grown ass adults. I've been trying to shut the hell up, to be politically correct because we can't say shit anymore without offending someone, it's ridiculous.
For example, why is it wrong for me to say that I'm pissed off when I am? Why is it frown upon when I mention I don't like something? Why do I have to act as if everyone is good, competent and meaning well when the reality is not that? Why can't we tell someone they are not doing a job correctly? Is it because we wouldn't want to offend or demotivate that person? What about the effect that has on me having to deal with a fucking moron who doesn't give a rat's ass about their job, or me having to pick up after them, or me having to do it again (whatever it may be) because it wasn't done correctly in the first place?
I don't consider myself a hypocrite, I tend to say (too often!) what I mean. I have the finesse of a 2 x 4, I know that, so when my mother's beau was diagnosed with cancer a few weeks ago, I didn't feel much. Sure, I feel bad for my mother. The type of cancer he has is not operable nor curable. He's getting treatments (radiation and chemo) to prolong him, that is all. So they have to deal with that. I say they, because I would be lying to say I'm affected by this.
Covid's second wave seems to be hitting Montréal. People are really not acting like they care. We can see teens playing basketball together, fuck social distancing, same thing in stores, etc. I haven't been out much. I've been avoiding people. Might be paranoia, might (most likely) only be me not wanting to deal with people, but I'm tired of it all.
I'm tired of reading people complaining about wearing or not a fucking mask. I've stop following friends on Bacefook. I'm tired of people feeling "they deserve" whatever it may be. I'm tired of having to think for others, because they are too fucking stupid to do so themselves.
I wish I could just reboot, unplug and recharge... this is promising for the winter months ahead of us, huh?
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