Thursday, November 17, 2022

Day Eleven - Popular Renovations Chronicle

I think I'm too tired to do my daily report... things are moving along.  I see the progress and just now I finished vacuuming part of the ground floor because there was just too much saw dust for us at the moment...  This guy is a real fuckin' messy worker... and he's like a virus spreading around the whole freaking house...  I have my doubts he will be all done by end of day tomorrow... but time will tell...

Here is what our kitchen looks like at the moment...

I (I should say we, really!) will have so much storage!!! (doing a butt happy dance in my chair)  and part of my new and improved office... it will give me so much more space to create!

There is still lots to do, so many little adjustments... before everything is mounted and done... and I'm not even talking about the guys having to return to finish the tiling in the kitchen, re-installing our appliances... and me washing and FINALLY unpacking boxes!  

I'm hoping to be done before Christmas... 😟😫😭

1 comment:

Dominique DUMORTIER said...

Ça avance bien vite si j’en crois les photos ! Bon, ok, tu pourras pas faire une soirée de Fête jeudi prochain… mais, so what, tu en feras une plus belle avant Noël ! Regarde, tu organises une soirée (pas un brunch je sais, t’es pas assez lève-tôt) pour quelques jours avant Noël, tes amis apportent tous de quoi monter un beau buffet chaud et froid et tout le monde, toi la première, est content ! Courage chère Josée, y’a pire ! Gros becs