Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Non-expressed ...

I feel cranky, I have a sore throat and I’m feverish! That’s all I really need at this time! Aaargh!

Since our week in North Conway, NH, end on August, I’ve been feeling like a cold or something is brewing. I’ve been taking Echinacea and vitamin C, and some days I almost feel “normal” (not that I really know how that feels, anyway!), and other days it is as if I’m about to be really sick. Strange.

Yesterday while being pricked (at the acupuncture’s office) he talked to me about how we hold on to our anger and how it turns into rage. It was quite interesting to hear about how our bodies “translate” that non-expressed anger, etc. I have realised a few years back that every time I don’t speak my mind, I get a sore throat! It’s creepy! I know! But it’s a fact!

What didn’t I say for me to have a sore throat today? Well…

My mother hunts moose. Her hunting season is opening in a few weeks. Where she goes hunting is about a six hours drive, heading north from her place. She’s been doing this for many years. She used to go with my dad, and since his death she goes with her beau, for weeks at the time. This year is the first year where her beau can’t go. He has kidney issues and needs dialysis three times/week, so he can’t really be in the woods for two weeks. Also this year, right smack in her hunting season I’ll be having surgery. Being the victim that she is, she feels thorn. What to do? Go hunting and worry about her beau and her daughter or stay home?

I spoke with her Saturday. She didn’t know what to do and to add to it all, said that she should have had the pooch put down instead of giving her to me, because when I took the pooch in I had told her not to come visit for a while (not that she does anyway!) until the pooch was “weaned” (of her); because of the pooch she wouldn’t be able to visit me after my surgery.

I didn’t say anything, but explain to her (again!) that was to wean to the pooch, at the beginning. After three months she (the pooch) might get that this is her new house… I also told her that if she wanted to go hunting not to stay here because of me. It’s a “routine” surgery (as far as the doctors are concerned) and her beau knows his way to the hospital since he’s been going there since December. Her indecision was so… so… (I can’t even describe it!) … anyway, I told her to do what she felt was right. I wasn’t going to make that decision for her. She had to decide what she wants to do.

That’s why I have a sore throat! I didn’t tell her that I thought she was a dumbass for saying such a thing and for feeling “thorn” about that “big” decision of hers! I didn’t say f-all! And anybody who’s been exposed to me a little, knows that I normally don’t hold back. Why did I remain quiet with my mother? Maybe because I “excuse” her for being old, and for not being the sharpest tool in the shed? Maybe she’s my just my mom and came not to expect too much from her? Who knows? All I know is that now I’m paying the price for sparing her goddam’ feelings!

And then, earlier, I got this e-mail from a friend in B.C.

How To Avoid The Flu

Eat right!
Make sure you get your daily dose of fruits and veggies.
Take your vitamins and bump up your vitamin C.
Get plenty of exercise because exercise helps build your immune system.
Walk for at least an hour a day, go for a swim, take the stairs instead of the elevator, etc.
Wash your hands often. If you can't wash them, keep a bottle of antibacterial stuff around.
Get lots of fresh air. Open doors & windows whenever possible.
Try to eliminate as much stress from your life as you can.
Get plenty of rest.
Take the doctor's approach. Think about it...
When you go for a shot, what do they do first?
They Clean your arm with alcohol...
Because Alcohol KILLS GERMS.

I walk to the liquor store (exercise)
I put lime in my Corona (fruit)
Celery in my Bloody Mary (veggies)
Drink outdoors on the bar patio (fresh air)
Tell jokes, laugh (eliminate stress)
Then pass out (rest)
The way I see it...

If you keep your alcohol levels up, flu germs can't get you!
My grandmother always said, "A shot in the glass is better than one in the ass!"

I think I’ll go get myself some shot (in a glass) … Do we have tequila at the moment? Humm… Let me see...


MiMaw said...

That actually makes sense to me... keeping things in can make you ill. So you need to relax, let it out and meditate. You need to be in the best frame of mind for your surgery! All the good thoughts being sent your way will be cancelled out by all the negative energy you're creating!

I can't say anything about your mother's indecision... I just know that if my daughter was going through what you're going through... I would be there with her. My Mother has been gone for 18 years and I miss her soooo much. I don't know if she would be by my side because she was an agoraphobic (I consider that a legitimate excuse), but she would be on the phone with me every day (as she was with my surgery) which is saying a lot because she also had a phobia about talking on the phone (but not as bad as the agoraphobia).

I am saying prayers and thinking good thoughts for you. You'll do just fine!

Cathy's blanket is done!

Purple Pigeon said...

Your mother sounds as delightful as mine. Isn't if funny how often we try and spare their feelings when they have no consideration for ours?

Anyway, annoying mothers aside (we'll miss them when they are gone....possibly), its a perfect reason to speak your mind - ''yeah, your dress looks terrible, i have to say, for the sake of my health!''

Anonymous said...

Keeping things surpressed will definately have an effect on your physical health.

And yes, alcohol helps. I personally go get Tom Yum Gai soup from the local Thai restaurant at a level 6 and sweat it out. We call it sick soup at my house and that stuff is the shizit.

PreppyGirl said...

I see we are both feeling just lovely today. The loratadine (claritin) seems to help me. I do think I'll go home and have a beer though. I figure, it couldn't hurt!

stinkypaw said...

mimaw: I've been trying to let go and meditate, but my mind is all over the place!

I guess I simply want my mom to know where she wishes to be, and not tell me about it... actions speak louder than words, right?

Thanks for the thoughts and can't wait to see the blanket!

elf: In a strange twisted way I feel good about knowing that I will never make my child feel that way, since I won't be having any!

I've had many moments where maybe having a sore throat would have been better than "speeking my mind", but then again, maybe not!

dirty b: It had been a long while since I had a sore throat... and I'm really not the type to keep things bottled up, on the contrary!

Tonight hubby is taking me to a local viet place for some spicy soup - kill those little f'ing microbes!

pg: Yep! There must be something going aroung Blogsville or something (even R is down) - I normally don't drink, but last night I had some hot sake and at best it helped my mental health! I'll be sending some "cheers" your way!

Jason Stockl said...

Not to rub it in your face but I really love my mother!


(Sorry, I know she reads you blog...)

Paisley said...

First of all, try zink lozenges. They reall help my husband. I think he gets Zicam.

My mom never wants to hear anything that isnt' perfect and happy. It really bothers me when I need support because I can't turn to her. Monkey's mom lives in her own fantasy world.


Good luck with that one. I hope she doens't put the dog down!

stinkypaw said...

paisley: NO worries about the dog, I have her now and she won't be put down! That's why i took her!

Thanks for the suggestion about the zink losenges. I'll check it out!