Thank you all for your kind & silly wishes. It means a lot. I felt the “luuuv”, that’s for sure!
Well, yesterday was a good day overall. We took it easy, received a few phone calls for my birthday, slowly got ready and made our way to my mom’s. She had asked what I wanted to eat for my birthday dinner and since it had been ages since I hah had her Chinese food I asked for that. She made some delicious egg rolls, some fried rice and some cherry sauce chicken balls. It was delllliiiiiiiciiiioooouuuusssss! There’s nothing like a good home cook meal by mom!
My mom lives one hour away heading North from Montréal, in a little village. The temperature change is always noticeable and yesterday was just another one of those times. It was snowing, big white flakes, gorgeous and to add to the magic of it all 2 deers came in my mom’s backyard and ate the carrots and apples she left for them. They are gorgeous animals, but so nervous. I guess it makes sense, especially that the hunting season just closed…
She had also made one of my preferred desserts: apple squares. Had a nice big piece with a nice cup of tea, and then proceeded to the basement to play some baby foot with Hubby and some sand bags game with my mother and her “manfriend” (at 77 he’s too old to be called “boyfriend”!).
We came home with a bag of leftovers, and a full tummy. If that’s not a good day I don’t know what is! Sometime simple is good…
Image: Thank you
I'm glad it was happy! There's nothing like a meal cooked by mom! :)
It doesn't get any better than that!
Glad it was a great day. Although 'manfriend' sounds kinda creepy to me. I can't say why, though.
happy birthday.
your misspell of "deer" reminded me of a sign outside our local nursing home. It's on a busy road so the sign says "Dear Crossing" and has a graphic of a person with a walker. I was imagining two old people with walkers in your mom's backyard. LOL.
Happy belated birthday! (Sorry it's late, I just got back on the internet after my long weekend!)
pink: You got that right!
charlie: :-)
marius: ...and you haven't even seen him... hee! ;-)
princess: Thanks! I corrected it, thanks for letting me know. Hey, where she lives, that could very well happen as well!
lizgwiz: Better late than never! Thanks!
sounds lovely...glad you had a good time :)
kim: Thanks!
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