Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Auf Wiedersehen 2014

I can't believe, as I sit here, that we're on the Eve of 2015... what a year this has been.

I just had a look at how many times I've posted in 2014 and it was about once or twice a month... pretty sad considering I used to write daily. I guess Bacefook really took over my time. That and Postcrossing. I've been postcard crazy this past year.

Looking at my stats on their site, I've sent to 32 countries in 2014, 164 cards were registered (oh man, I just did a quick calculation of how much that represents in stamps alone, and... ouch!!), but I've actually sent 174 of them.  I've also received from 32 countries, 155 cards.  That is not even considering all the others cards I've been sending through Round Robins, swap, and games, etc. because I've sent well over another 350 cards (especially since we took some vacation with our trips in Hawaii, and then Vegas) - crazy!!

I have no idea really how many I've received total, but I can tell you it's a lot.

At the beginning of 2014 I had prepared a jar in which I would drop a note about anything good which happened during the year so that when I was going through a rough patch I could open it and read a note to cheer me up.  I did open the jar a few times during the year.  It did bring a smile to my face to re-read some of my special days.  I think I will continue to add to this jar.  It's an easy thing and I think it is worth the little efforts it entails.

I wish I could say that I've pulled up my big girl panties and have been working less, but I haven't.  For whatever reason, that situation is still the same.  I get high moments of frustration, but also do get some satisfaction out of it, so I try to remind myself not to care and to do what I'm paid for.  The caring I do too much of, is on me as a client often reminds me. 

It feels, as I sit here and look at my calendar that unlike before (I don't know when exactly, maybe when I was in school or something) time never stops, there is no time off anymore, I'm always on, and I think that is what is getting to me.  I never completely disconnect.  Whenever I leave for X time, there is double the work when I come back, so the little benefit of going anywhere are washed away right away upon my return. 

I can only hope that this new year ahead will bring some way for me to unplug, to be happy with what I have and enjoy every day the sun rises.  I take this opportunity to wish you, dear blends, a great year ahead and may it be filled with health, love, peace and money to enjoy it all.

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