Today, I feel a little awkward for accepting Jade’s offer to be a contributor on her blog, since at the moment things are actually quite good with my MIL… It’s been like that since August 25th. On that day Hubby received a phone call from his mother asking us to visit her in the hospital. She was being operated the next morning because they had found a lump on her belly. After two long months in the hospital, fighting colorectal cancer and C-Difficile, my MIL made a 180 turn in her behaviour towards me. Funny what being scared to die will do to a person!
Her prognostic isn’t good. She knows it. We’ve seen more of Hubby’s parents in the past four months than we did in the last 12 years. I must say it is very freaky (for me, at least)! It is such a change that I feel unstable, like I could tip over at any time, and yet…
Sunday afternoon we went over because there are a lot of issues that need to be addressed before her death. MIL is the one in charge in that household; she takes care of the house, the cooking, laundry, finances and everything else basically. FIL basically worked and did some “handy” chores around the house, but nothing else, really. They are the typical couple of the 50's. FIL is totally overwhelmed by the situation. He is completely lost and when she dies he will be a big mess.
At one point I ended up with MIL in one room and Hubby ended up with his father in the kitchen. For some
Sunday, I told her to take the time she has left to mend whatever she could with whomever. She was given an opportunity to do right and to clear the air with some people; she should take advantage of it. She did. We talked like never before, openly, about how we felt about each other. It felt good, and I wanted that.

I wanted her to leave in peace, not with anger in her heart. She may or not mend everything, but at least with me, some very big steps were made. While talking with her, I came to realise that deep down I did not dislike her; I was just “reacting” to her way of treating me (I disliked how she treated me and her son). We open a new channel of communications and cleared some things.
I’m not saying that all is forgotten, but a part of me feels like it’s not worth it to hold on to my anger towards her. It’s not worth the effort to remain disgruntled; I rather focus my energy on helping her to come to term with the challenges that she will have to face soon. She has some pretty rough times ahead of her, we all do. The next few months won’t be easy, but like in every lessons life offers, we will learn and grow from this…
Image: Peaceful
* David Usher
This is a beautiful thing Paw. I am sorry that Mr. Paw stands to lose his Mama, but you never know...she may fight back and think now, that you all are mending, y'all may have a long time to appreciate eachother even longer.
I am glad that you see this for what it are very special.
Hugs to the Paw Family!
Very moving. It would be so much easier if relationships really could be in black and white, but too often they're in shifting shades of a million greys :-I I wish you and your MIL strength, although I think each of you have it in abundance already. It's a beautiful post, and your picture is the perfect accompaniment.
I definitely get along MUCH better with my MIL now than I ever did. We never had much of a strained relationship, but I definitely had some resentment as far as she was concerned. At first I think I blamed her for everything Galoot did wrong (mama's boy BIG TIME). Now I've come to appreciate her in a way I never realized I would. Feels good doesn't it?
Nice post.
skippymom: Thanks for the hugs. It's not easy for Hubby, a lot to deal with, but we will manage. We are hoping for the best, but sadly enough, it doesn't look too promising.
yez: Thanks. I only want peace , the conflicts of the past drained me, so I saw this as an occasion to make peace.
pg: It does feel good, overall. I just think it's sad that we wasted all those years, but then again that was meant to be I guess.
When I was younger, I felt a coldness from her (I think because I'm gay).
While it was upsetting, I'd never wish what she's been through on anyone.
And the fact that her death in the near future is a distinct possibility: it freaks me out.
My parents have just seperated. My great aunt is near death.
I'm finding "Christmas spirit" difficult to obtain this year...
j67: Death is part of life, and if one is at peace with her or himself I believe it is a lot easier for all around to deal with.
The Christmas Spirit doesn't have to be about being "gitty". It can be about being with the ones we love 'cause we don't know how long we have then for.
Sorry about your folks, but better be alone and well then together and unhappy. I'm not saying it is/will be easy, au contraire. Hang in there and think of the good things don't hold into the bad ones. Big hugs.
I’m not saying that all is forgotten, but a part of me feels like it’s not worth it to hold on to my anger towards her. It’s not worth the effort to remain disgruntled; I rather focus my energy on helping her to come to term with the challenges that she will have to face soon. She has some pretty rough times ahead of her, we all do. The next few months won’t be easy, but like in every lessons life offers, we will learn and grow from this…
Those are excellent words of wisdom, SP.
Big hugs to you and your husband. Hang in there.
trueself: Thanks for the support & the hugs, they are both very appreciated.
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