When I did karate it was the same thing. I would go in, teach or take a class, shower and leave. Even now, I go to visit my clients, and depending on the contract I can be there for months, and even if I talk with people I tend to keep to myself. I go in, do what I’m paid for and then leave. Yet, along the way I make friends.
I never really liked the “gang” thing. I hated it in school, didn’t care for it in karate and not really concern about it when it comes to my working environment. In everything we do there’s always a little clique here and there. I’ve noticed since I’ve been blogging that certain people have their little clique, like “blogger gangs” almost, sometimes because they share a profession, they live in the same area, they’re friends in “real” life, etc. People have this need to be in a group. I don’t. I enjoy being alone. Maybe it’s because I grew up alone. I don’t know. Except here!
Here I want to be “in” (for some strange reason)… I won’t pretend that I don’t care about getting comments, that I’m doing this for myself, because that wouldn’t really be the case. If I really wanted to simply log my thoughts I would have kept doing so in my journal. I still do write in it, the deep personal stuff that I don’t want to share with the world is in there. Whatever I can’t say out loud is written down on paper, not out here for the world to see. Yes we are anonymous, to a certain extend (since I broke a blog rule and told friends and relatives about my blog), but like I had written in this post, we do create some type of friendship with our fellow bloggers. We have our regular commenters, but like in any friendship sometimes we go our separate ways.
Looking at my stats I’ve noticed that some of my “regulars” (or so I thought!) don’t come by anymore… It made me think… is it because I offended them? Why is it that some people who used to read me, fairly regularly and commented, stopped coming here. I see them at other places, so I know they are still around, and yet… not here. Why? Did I do or say something wrong? Am I not interesting enough? In July when I wrote this, I said that I liked getting an answer back to my comment, and I stand by that. Yes, I do go back to see the answer, and if I don’t get one (which is often the case) I don’t get upset. DCMM once wrote (here) about comments: “If anything, it makes people feel like they have a community, where you can feel the same way someone else feels about things... and get an affirmation as a bonus.”
It’s all part of the blogging game, which is a personal thing. Some like to do it daily, some at random, some by themselves, some like to live through others… it’s almost like sex in a way - you do it the way you feel comfortable doing it and with whom you want, that's what's cool about it.

Just as the week is ending I’m realising that this week was “De-lurking Week”… Darn!
Well, I’m doing it now, so those of you, who regularly lurk in, drop me a line, it could be fun! And who knows what could happen… you might get a comment back! ;-)
Thank you for reading and please let me know what you think ok?
*Update: I corrected the word "clique". Thanks to PreppyGirl who nicely informed me that it is spelled the same in English and French! - Didn't know that! Thanks PG!
Wow. The first comment..Too much pressure...
I lurk, I admitt it. Sometimes, I am too lazy to leave a comment, sometimes, I can't think of anything witty or insightful to say. Sometimes, I respond to comments, sometimes I don't.
I have developed 'real' friendships, and blog friendships thanks to my blog. It has opened up a whole new world for me.
I don't think that you have offended anyone. I think that some people, just as in the 'real' world, come in and out of our lives. I will comment more, and stop my lurking. It is de-lurking week, after all.
Here I am following Biddie around again! hee
I love your blog - you never cease to make me laugh -especially on fridays! woohoo...
I seriously don't think you offended anyone either - you post often and you post good stuff - perhaps [like Bid] sometimes people just don't leave comments...just passing through.
I know I comment [too much I suppose ;)] - but do you have a stat counter? If not try a free one...that will tell you that people are still reading you too -even if they aren't commenting...
Hugs to you!
Maybe things slowed down during the holidays.
Believe me, in the dead of winter everything will pick up!
Or you could start posting nekkid pictures of yourself.
Just kidding! ;-)
I know what you mean, i try and reply to every comment, im grateful to get any! Another thing that happens is that you read a blog for a bit and then the author just disappears! theres a couple of my links that have done that.
I use my blog as a kind of diary, cuz i know that if no one was going to read it, i would end up not writing it after a while, i wouldnt see the point.
life, or...: No pressure! Thanks for your comment and I sure hope you will continue to come by!
skippymom: Thank you! It's never too much, don't stop! Hugs back!
atm: I want to attract more readers not scare them away! ;-)
elf: I feel the same way about writing: no readers, what's the point! But I want "feedback" as well!
i read several blogs but rarely comment. i'm like that in person too though. i'm hesitant until i feel comfortable.
ps. i am going to post pictures of my kitties on your new blog (someday)
Sometimes I comment, sometimes I don't. It depends on if I think I have something to add. I think I need to comment more though because I love them so much myself! ;-) Now if I could just motivate myself to write more posts I might actually get a few more. Hahahahahahhaa.
I've discovered that I comment much more since I began my own blog, and realized how much I appreciate the comments.
I haven't been reading you all that long, but I always enjoy it! Please keep doing the occasional joke in French, so I can practice. ;)
You're on my favorite list and I try to stop by as much as I can.
princess slea: Happy to see you feel confortable around here! ;-) Looking forward to those kitties - thanks.
ananke: That might help, indeed! I love your FOAD Thursday.
lizgwiz: Comments are fun. I'll try to continue the French joke.
c_t_w: Well thank you, and I appreciate each visit! ;-)
Hi Stinkypaw! - Did you know the word "clique" is the same in English and French? (and is spelled the same too)! That's one of those French words the English were too lazy to change I guess.
Sorry I have been as frequent a visitor lately. Just busy with life. My goal this week is to blog at least twice (since I've been slacking off with my blog too!)
Nice post. I am not really delurking, since I have commented...But I did stop reading for quite a while.
Guess I'll be honest, here...I will probably sound very uptight, but oh well. The blogs I read are written by a diverse group of people. Some of them I have a lot in common with, and some nothing at all. Somehow I feel a small connection to all of them, or I would not be reading. Some of the things they say or do, I might not agree with, but that's OK. I can breeze past language I don't care for. Unfortunately, one of your "joke" posts was hard to just breeze past comfortably. I won't search for it, because I don't care to see it again, but it was a joke photo portraying a Hitler mustache. You probably recall. Anyway, even though it really didn't "show" anything, I felt very uncomfortable with it. Not my type of humor, to say the least. I was surprised to see it on your blog. For that reason, I stayed away. I didn't want to see anything like that on there again. You continued to comment on my blog, and after some time, I started visiting your blog again, and have been comfortable since.
Obviously, it's your blog and you are entitled to post whatever you like on here. Since you asked, I figured I would give you an honest answer.
pg: I didn't know that! I will correct that! Thanks for letting me know - so I did write something wrong! ;-) No need to appologize, life does get in the way at times! Looking forward to reading you (here or on your blog).
3c: Thanks for the honest answer, I appreaciate it. I do recall the joke. Sorry if it offended you. I guess we all have different "type" of humour.
I hope you will keep on reading, but may I suggest to maybe avoid the "Friday Smiles" (just in case)?!
I'm still here!
You were the one that inspired me to start my own blog, and for that, I will always remain a loyal reader of yours.
Even, if, once in a while, there's a little "too much information" (Jalapenos, anyone?) ;-)
I tried to comment earlier but apparently Blogger was having a shit fit and didn't want to post my comment.
Sorry, I know I lurk. I also don't get to come back and visit all the blogs I like to read because I just don't have as much free time as I used to. I'll try to be a better commenter ;)
I really identified with what you said about feeling "different" throughout your life. I think we must be quite similar people. Mind you, I always really longed to become part of a group, yet never found one that would really accept me. I am just too quiet in a group and have always found it hard to get a word in edgeways! Other people just all seem to talk so much! (Usually about themselves, it seems to me! Very few people are interested in listening!)
Regarding comments, as I said in my reply to your recent comment on my blog I am always short of time once I have completed my own little bit of blogging, so there isn't much left for commenting and I only do so when something in the post really draws me (as this recent post of yours did). I think part of the problem is that I have acquired a huge list of blogs that I like to call into (far more than are shown on my blog itself) and so I only get time for a really short visit to most of them - and no time for commenting! It doesn't mean I don't care though!
Take care.
jason67: I hope you will remain a reader (despite of the "too much info") because you enjoy what you read and not only because I "inspired" you! ;-)
dirty birdie: Thanks, I know it's not easy...
seeker Welcome! Thank you for de-lurking! You are so right about people not being interested in listening. Thank you for taking the time to comment and keep on reading!
How do, my friend. :)
I'm still here. I read everything. Sometimes I don't have time to comment or I'm just plain lazy. (I usually do it at work..shhhh).
You are right about the cliques. It's kinda weird, but I read some blogs and feel like I can't comment because, really, who am I? I guess old social experiences die hard. Sometimes the volume of comments make me not write anything, either.
It always makes me sad when I used to get comments from someone and then they go away. Especially if I still read and comment on their site. They just found someone they think is more interesting and fun than me. I admit it - I can be boring. I'm not witty or clever and my life is pretty average. ButI enjoy blogging and "meeting" my "blog friends".
Gee, I've learned something: Ask for comments and ye shall receive (You're up to 19 so far...)
paisley: I know what you mean about the clique and the loss of a commenter that you still read - makes you wonder, and yet I try not to take it at heart... Thanks for taking the time to comment!
j67: Isn't life that way: ask and you'll receive? ;-)
Thanks for taking the time to comment on my blog.
I think we all like to feel that we belong. Like you, I was very much an outsider at school, and this lead me to embrace a loner attitude, but the truth is, however independent I appeared, I always wanted to belong somewhere.
The great thing about blogging is that you attract the kind of people who like your style of writing and thinking (those who don't like it don't stick around) and you have a much bigger pool to chose from.
If you had ideas that were only like one in a hundred people at school then you only had a small handful of people that would like you. But in a space of millions, you have access to far more people like yourself. Finally you can create a niche where you feel you belong.
It's very seductive, which is why we spend far too much of our time doing it :)
kim ayres: Welcome back! I like your comparison with school; small fish in a small pond, but now playing in this BIG pond there's a lot to choose from. Good point!
I sometimes lurk during the week, but usually do my visiting on weekends. During the week, I post and respond to comments. When I'm really busy, and can't visit, I have this strange guilty feeling. I've wondered before why people disappear too. I had quite a few disappear when I moved. I guess it just happens.
shopper: I like that idea of posting and commenting during the week and visiting on weekends. It does happen to lose some readers along the way, I'd just like to know why...
i'm a bit of a comment whore, although sometimes when i'm trying to be it doesn't work out.
like look at this comment here, i've been trying to leave it for a couple days, i SWEAR everytime i come to comment some chaos always seems to pull me away.
i like comments too, we all do. those sites i lurk i'm at least going to try after reading a post to leave a "yo" or something.
molly: You get a lot of comments, maybe it's all the whoring you do? Maybe I should try that?! ;-) Thanks for your comments - they are always appreciated!
Hello, belated comment here.
I rarely leave comments anymore on anyone's blog because I just don't have the time like I used to. I wish there was more time to read, comment and write my own stuff - but real life must take precedence, and I have to admit that Partner gets a bit sooky if I'm on the computer too long. Plus we only have one computer which we both use for work...
Oh well, you know I'm still here and still reading (I'm sure I'm easy to find on your stat counter!)
hasarder: Better late than none! I've been feeling that way a little as well, too busy to find time to write/read. I still do, but less... Glad to have you back!
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