Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Me? A Kreativ Blogger? Wow!

I received this cute Kreativ Blogger (award) from GEM.

First, I want to apologize to her for posting this only now.

Second, I want to thank you for your kind words, friendship and comments. I’m honoured you think of me as a “Kreativ Blogger”, thank you!

I had to think long and hard about this, because I feel that I’m pretty opened (not to say exposed) in here. I re-read a few old posts, my “Hundred Things About Me” list and came up with these seven things you don't already know about me:
  1. I love sweets, to the point I might feel noxious and think “just one more…”

  2. I’d be willing and ready to leave this country to go live somewhere else, just to see the world.

  3. I can’t seem to find a nice perfume since I’ve had my hysterectomy… or at least one that I really like. The ones I used to wear don’t suit me that well anymore, or so I think.

  4. I have a pin collection that my father had started when he visited “Terre des Hommes” at Expo 66. Each of them I remember where I got it from.

  5. I also have a big scrapbook album with all the post-cards I’ve received to date. The first one dates back to 1975. Some nights, I just sit and flick the pages and re-read some of them. It’s like a little trip back in time and around the world with friends and relatives.

  6. I tend to coordinate my earrings, bracelets, rings and watch with what I’m wearing. I do this by either their style or their colour. Am I ready to become the quirky old lady or what?

  7. When counting I often do it on my fingers, and yes I do bookkeeping, but for that I use a calculator. I’m no good at mental calculation, and I’m totally ok with that.

Now... I'm passing this award along to some fellow blends who are, in my humble opinion, Kreativ, and I name:

Thank you and enjoy!


Attila the Mom said...

"I can’t seem to find a nice perfume since I’ve had my hysterectomy… or at least one that I really like. The ones I used to wear don’t suit me that well anymore, or so I think."

Isn't it weird how your sense of smell, or "taste" in smell changes over time?

kara said...

oh my - what do i have to do to accept it?

thank you for the birthday card, by the way. it was lovely to receive it.

Unknown said...

Brava!! Well deserved. :-)

Stephanie said...

Amazing list! That you would leave the country to go live some where else, and that you can't find a perfume that suits any more! Love those! Feel like I know you so much better now!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Stinky, you deserve the award.

And thank you, belatedly, for the video of that amazing little girl's 911 call.

flurrious said...

Thank you! I will also have to think hard to come up with seven things.

As for #7, you should start playing blackjack. It's good practice for adding numbers quickly.

Green-Eyed Momster said...

Thanks for posting the award. You deserve it!

I also count on my fingers but at work I'm on camera so I always try to hide it there.


Hugs and love,

Meg said...

Woot! Congratulations!

tNb said...

Ooooh thanks! Will put my thinking cap on and post as soon as I get back home from this little Canadian interlude ...

grumpy said...

Thank you :) I feel all special and stuff now!

sophie said...

do you think ill get one????